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A Call to Martyrdom
Baltimore County Homicide Unit Investigates BCPD and Fire Department Personnel After Dindu Death In Essex Hospital
© 2016 James LaFond
This past winter, in Essex, a distraught white man was threatening suicide in his home with a knife, when he was gunned down by 5 police officers in his kitchen. There has been no fuss made of this.
However, if you were unlucky enough to have been named Tawon by your mother, then you qualify for posthumous sainthood and she gets to suit the municipality for your death under ridiculous circumstances of your own making.
September, 9/18/16: Sunday Morning
3:06: Tawon Boyd and his girlfriend scream at a 911 operator in some insane duet of disturbed domesticity
3:18: Cops arrive on the scene
Tawon's girlfriend tells the police that he is "crazy," drunk and on drugs.
Tawon is sweating heavily and seems paranoid.
Tawon tells the cops that someone was in his house, that they drugged him and were recording his activity. [Probably this wicked woman.] He then runs to the police cars, tries to get inside, bangs on neighbors' doors and otherwise acts the fool. When the cops try to take him into custody he bangs up three of them, ripping badges off, ripping off their radio cords, punching and kicking.
The pigs exchanged punches and finally get Tawon down, put the knee in the back and cuff him. But he is still kicking wildly and they call for EMS, apparently believing Tawon and his girl, that he was having a bad drug experience.
3:28: Police call for an ambulance [Emergency Medical Services, or EMS, part of the Fire Department]
3:33: The ambulance arrives on the scene.
At some point the EMS personnel apparently try to assassinate Tawon for being black by administering a drug that is supposed to have calmed him, but had a bad effect on him.
3:58: The ambulance leaves the scene
4:10: The ambulance arrives at Franklin Square hospital
Wednesday, September 21, Tawon, age 21, died at the hospital and there will be an autopsy. The report of the physical altercation seemed mild and the suspicion is that the cops just cuffed Tawon so that their fire department pals could shoot him up with some killer drug, designed by the CIA to mess with the black metabolism.
It looks like Tawon's mother has hit the jackpot.
The response by local blacks has been to threaten poor whites who take the bus, unlike the gainfully employed executioners of the Baltimore County Police and Fire Departments, who habitually drive nice vehicles, none of them ever taking the bus.
War Drums: Forty Miles from The Big House
In a Driving Rain
harm city
One Year Late
taboo you
barbarism versus civilization
beasts of arуas
son of a lesser god
graphomaniac archive #1
america the brutal
the greatest lie ever sold
Sam J.     Sep 29, 2016

The last thing you should do if one of your family members are having problems is call the police if you don't want them dead.

I saw this clip one time of a Schizophrenic guy who was in New Mexico. He smarted off a little to some cops and 5 of them jumped on him and tased and beat him as he was begging for his Father, a cop. He later died in the hospital. You know they beat him bad if he made it to the hospital and still died later.

Thing was he was not resisting arrest as there's tapes of them beating him.
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