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Those Arуan Thews
The Night Shepherd on the White Mouse Race of Men
© 2016 James LaFond
James, I think you'll find this interesting.
Some eye-opening evidence in these articles about relative black/white athletic capability. The author also gets into some of the psychology involved in the skewed picture that is contemporary mainstream sports. Both the physical and psychological analysis have carry-over into the realms of fighting, self-defense, and the overall status of white males in contemporary America.
Mister Chitwood’s second article is very telling in terms of how players are recruited and the third piece lays it out for the sham it is.
James Notes
Shep, this stuff is great. I highly recommend it. Two factors the author does not get into are:
Pain tolerance/damage sustainability in fighters ranks like this
1. Asian
2. American Indian [poor Latinos of mixed parentage or mestizos]
3. Polynesian
4. Caucasians
5. African
6. American Blacks—dead last, with weak shins, feet that you can step on to make them quit, and poor psychological prep from being raised by women
Functional Strength [yes, strength matters when the meat hits the bone]
1. Caucasian [by a vast stretch]
2. Polynesian
3. Black Americans
4. African
5. Asian
6. American Indians [sorry Cochise]
Any questions from all of those whining, white nationalists and libertarians who demand state protection, or from pencil-necked suburban rednecks hiding behind guns they can’t legally use?
Ask these guys where their DNA comes from.
In five decades I think we only had two chocolate cookies in the entire jar and they never won, with the best placing brother being part white by his appearance. Now, if you just search world’s strongest man, you will get a bunch of pics and video of black bodybuilders, but they never place in power events and always suck in combat sports. The reason why some black dudes look stronger than the actual strongest is they have nicer skin that you can see through. Beating up bodybuilders is so incredible easy. Many of them cannot even wipe their ass, let alone throw a punch. Franco Columbo was a notable exception, boxer, weight lifter and bodybuilder. Power and weight lifters are too tough, thick-headed and tendon strong. But there you go, in our sissy society the man with the shiniest skin who looks stronger, but is not even in the running, is regarded as the strongest.
Heavyweight wrestling champions?
Heavyweight boxing champions?
Heavyweight MMA champions?
Robert E. Howard knew what was up with muscle and knuckleheads.
Thriving in Bad Places
Three Men
the combat space
sons of arуas
winter of a fighting life
your trojan whorse
honor among men
night city
let the world fend for itself
son of a lesser god
Lynn     Sep 29, 2016

What about those Arуans that took a wrong turn and headed for the subcontinent? Did you not have the heart to hurt their feelings?
James     Sep 30, 2016

Actually two of the strongest wrestlers in history were from India. One of them played in some really terrible Ballywood Tarzan movies.

We have a misconception that the dot heads are all tiny, sleek dark-skinned fellows because of the merchant class that immigrates here. They actually have plenty of big bruisers, but in general, they got watered down enough to keep them out of the top running. Remember that the term Thug, meaning a strangler, came from India.
Sam J.     Sep 29, 2016

Here's your strong White guy. BUTTERBEAN! from Jasper, Alabama. I had a friend who lived in Jasper. Butterbean ain't pretty but he's strong as an ox.

I saw a fight of his a long time ago. Only thing I remember about it was the guy running from Butterbean because every time the Bean would hit him you could tell it caused tremendous pain.
WellRead Ed     Sep 30, 2016

In North Dinustan, during the Era of Ali / Frazier, the Dindus mastered the art of trash talk. This gave then a slight psychological edge against young palefaces who were brought up to be polite and humble. Moreover, any and every touchdown, basket, or homerun was celebrated way out of proportion to its significance, thus furthering the illusion of athletic superiority. This carried over into professional sports in that every touchdown was celebrated by the player's unique gyrations in the end zone.

In reality, the Dindus, while lean and fast, were also ridiculously WEAK. Getting into a fistfight with one usually resulted in catching a wild haymaker from them that had little effect, whereas returning one in kind usually ended the fray right then and there.

As for pain tolerance? 8 years working in the ER of a hospital in North Dindustan taught me that Dindus reached peak pain tolerance at about age 10 and remained there for the rest of their lives. One recollection is of a young Dindu male crying out for "pain medicine" because he had a sprained ankle, as he sat across from an older Paleface male who sat in silence while examining the four fingers that had had the tips traumatically amputated.

An entire myth has been built up around the resilience, wisdom, and mental toughness of the Dindu culture. Witness the surfeit of movies in which the plot revolves around some insurmountable problem until the Magic Dindu arrives to provide the necessary guidance to enable the unenlightened Paleface to succeed. The latest incarnation of "The Magnificent Seven" promises to be such a tale, with "Bagger Vance" being the most obvious of the genre.
James     Sep 30, 2016

You have a real good head for this subject, WellRead Ed.

The irony is that his perverse distortion of reality has been crafted by palefaces and it further retards the ability of a young black man from developing in masculine terms. This both serves the purpose of the elite, who need a mob—and mobs are essentially feminine collectives—and serves to further victimize black males.

You may or may not realize how hard it is to coach young men who have been so cruelly conditioned but it is emotionally painful.
Bart Maney     Sep 30, 2016

White-identified sports/lifestyle clothing brands such as Greifvogel (Germany) and White Rex (Russian) are emphasizing the very activities that you describe above as whites' comparative advantage (strength athletics and combat sports).
Shep     Oct 1, 2016

Lynn—I'm not an ethnolgist, but I would claim this guy for white:

As I understand it, he could both "work" or "shoot" a wrestling match (like an old-school Brock Lesnar), and when he was "shooting", no one could beat him. Legendary workout habits, as well.
Lynn     Oct 1, 2016

Thanks for the link, Shep. I was mostly joking with James. I live in an area of high concentration of Indians, Chinese, Vietnamese and others. Let me just say they are not physically impressive. For a population of over a billion, India performs terribly in international sporting events. Vegetarianism certainly doesn't help, so it is unsurprising that the man you point out is a Muslim from the north.

James, you probably know that Sikhs are supposed to be armed at all times for religious reasons.

For the record, I am a believer in big tent IndoEuropean whiteness, but we must be wary of regression towards the mean.
James     Oct 2, 2016

Lynn, these massive societies, I think, scare us, because we see a possible teaming pit that our children might get sucked into. In India, the athletes will come from the northern, more Arуan populations. We do not have a more genetically stratified example of humanity than Indian. Interestingly, Porus, the King of the Punjab and his north Indian—really Pakistani—troops, gave Alexander and his army their only real test. These were closer to the original Arуan migration to India and were of the warrior—therefore Arуan—class.

It is interesting—and perhaps explains why Indians and Brits got along so well—how genetically stratified England was in the 1880s. During the Zulu Wars the English officer of 5-10 to 6-feet commanded Welsh and poor Englishmen stunted in their growth from poor diet and standing only 5-5 to 5-7. The men they fought, of an entirely different race, were physically more like the British officers, standing about six feet. This is just one example of how a government controls food allocation, funneling protein to the upper class and starving the lower class of indigenous whites. This is essentially how Europe managed its lower class for thousands of years, by reserving meat eating for the upper class.

In India the Brits tended to lean on meat-eating northerners like the Gurkhas and Punjabi Moslems to keep the Dravidian groups in line. Reading about the Indian mutiny of 1857 and how the Brits managed to piss off Hindus and Moslems in one stroke, is great fun!

As for Sikhs, they are my favorite cab drivers, tend to be stocky or big and don't take any Dindu shit in Baltimore.
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