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‘Sociopathic Mammon-Worshipping Rapists’
‘Victims Pitted Against Each Other:’ a Review of America in Chains
© 2016 James LaFond
September 27, 2016 By The Leveller, Verified Purchase
This review is from: America in Chains: A History of Enslavement in North America: 1524-1868, Companion Volume to Stillbirth of A Nation (Paperback)
(The title for this review is taken from the most prescient song of the last quarter century, End Begins by Earth Crisis.)
This is the addendum/sequel to Stillbirth of a Nation, chock full of uplifting historical anecdotes about how this country we call America was
literally aborted in the womb. Reading both books really unlocks the mystery of why things in this nation are evolving the way they are.
As in the previous review for Stillbirth, James’ main thesis is that the modern elites, the inheritors of the slave owning/planter class (not their actual lineage but of the power structure like finance capitalists, the managerial class, media vermin, etc) are now pushing their anti-white agenda as an expedient adjustment as it seeks new slaves; putting the white population into a similar position as the Native Indians who when weakened went from hired slave enforcers to being exterminated by the people they once terrorized. This is why no one in the power structure/media/cultural complex gives a fig when a white family is slaughtered but heaven and earth fall for the latest black criminal genius who decides to fight cops, thinking he might win this time. Of course this new 'privilege' for blacks is not really a privilege, just as the previous 'white privilege' of toiling for the nation, fighting its wars and paying taxes was not really a privilege. It’s amazing how so many buy the narratives set forth in order to play them like puppets.
There are so many good chapters with Jim's analysis buttressing the brutality. My favorites were 'a monster who is always hungry' dealing with Indian leader Tecumseh and the chapters with Increase Mather and the 'candlelit' world of the New England plantations. Also Nathaniel Bacon is the true Hero of America…err, the Plantations. Virginia may be for lovers, but it was also for exploiting sociopathic mammon-worshipping rapists.
There is so much information in this and much of it is heart-rending and anger-inducing. If you want a relaxed peaceful state of mind, do not read this book. Women have cried and men have raged in helping Jim type this! Tobacco is truly the Devil's Crop... (it’s not the crops fault). Then again, for the red-pilled masculine type, this book may bring a peace of mind, as it explains things and has a symmetry all its own.
I won't make this too long, so I will reiterate the main conclusion of the review for Stillbirth. When you see the chaos in American society, in many ways less overt than the past but deeper set in (like a cancer of the bones) one feels like it’s the end of America. In many ways it is going to its conclusion, but it was always a violent, dehumanizing and exploitative place. Love it or leave it?
There is nowhere to go.
The ultimate Plantation matrix, a global farm of Apes who will never break the bonds of Earth, is our future unless the masculine/imaginative can somehow survive and return, stalking and skulking in the dark night of the modern soul.
Note-The cover is chilling, a vagabond boy on the lam because he does not want to be beaten and worked to death? It must be the work of the Devil.
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Dave M     Sep 29, 2016


OK, I give! I just bought America in Chains for my Kindle. Geesh, I'm 67 years old with a Kindle! Present from my wife, and I'm stickin' to it.

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