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Niggly Hillary Clinton Supporters KnockOut Old Man Because He Was A Trump Supporter!
© 2016 James LaFond
Tommy Sotomayor discusses a video that demonstrates typical black-on-black violence, aggression that is not individual but collective, not heroic but hive-minded, and purely predatory, with sport derived from the bad result, not the action itself.
Tommy goes on to give a brief rundown of the why and how regarding “white people” survival in the Hip Hop world. In the Hip Hop world, what we have is not “a failure to communicate” but a failure to excommunicate. When life has become nothing but material, when a person is valued only for his genetics or dysgenics and not the content of his character, then our masters must, do and will insist that we are all equally deserving of inclusion, guaranteeing that the lowest common denominator of life shall become the norm.
As with most attackers, these are more affluent [note the disparity in clothing and electronics] tha their victim. As I proved in 40,000 Years from Home, entitlement and privilege drive aggression, with the low income poor, homeless and elderly the prime targets of the criminal class. Our current criminal class is based on the welfare mother household. The home costs only $100 per month, making her family income of 20-30K per year [all subsidies, drawn predominantly from taxes paid by working class people, just as the medieval knight lived off of the produce of the serfs he preyed upon] go much further than the victim class attacked by her children, with income ranging from zero to 20K per year and rent expenses typically running from $500-$1500 per month. Also, note that most victims of such attacks have only flip phones, while the attackers are all armed with smart phones, which serve to set up attacks and record the results.
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