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Narco-State News #2
Motown to Hotown
© 2013 James LaFond
I have known for a year that Detroit has the second highest murder rate in the U.S., the highest rate of abandoned houses, the largest population of feral dogs, and the world’s only abandoned skyscraper. In fact, the History Channel’s Life After People was filmed largely in Detroit. But there is more!
On July 11 2013 Detroit Free Press photographer Mandi Wright was arrested for filming an arrest, and held for 6 hours after her device was confiscated. [Sounds like dirty cops scrubbing video to me.]
Detroit cops only solve 10% of violent crimes.
Detroit police stations are typically only open from 8-12 hours per day.
Detroit has 11-times the murder rate of New York City.
50% of Detroit residents of employable age are unemployed.
47% of Detroit citizens are illiterate.
200 of 317 public parks in Detroit are closed!
-Source, financial analyst Patrick L. Young, living safely somewhere other than Hotown
This must be incorrect though. Because Our Dark Lord O'Sauran proclaimed just last year from Baradur on the Potomac, that he had saved Detroit. Perhaps he will have to send in some Nazgul drones to complete the job.
Elsewhere in the Narco-state…
The Las Vegas Rawlson-Neal Psyche Hospital discharged 1,500 patients, with 6 bottles of insure and three days’ worth of anti-psychotics each, bought them one way bus tickets to various California cities, and launched them like a fleet of scud missiles at the People’s Republic of California!
-Source,, 5/20/13
Police in Hawthorne, CA shot and killed a 52-year old man’s pet dog and arrested him for filming a SWAT roadblock. Another bystander got it on film, escaped the Narco-state Thugs of the Hawthorne, CA Chapter, and uploaded it onto YouTube.
Police in Mayfield Heights, Ohio are setting up fake drug checkpoints, and detaining and searching the vehicles of any motorist displaying suspicious behavior, like pulling over for directions.
-Source, Cleveland Plain-Dealer
Gothom Cops have reported the following race-based stats resulting from their ‘stop and frisk’ initiative targeting Hispanics and African Americans:
1 in 49 whites carry weapons
1 in 71 Hispanics carry weapons
1 in 93 African Americans carry weapons
[I’m wondering, since whites outnumber blacks and Hispanics combined, and we are far more likely to be armed, who do you really think is going to win the ‘coming race war’ that whites seem so worried about?]
1 in 43 whites carry drugs
1 in 57 Hispanics carry drugs
1 in 61 African Americans carry drugs [Of course, they just sold them to the white guys!]
-Source, 5/23/13
Hey Aunt Madeline, before you head up to Manhattan to catch that Broadway show, don’t forget to leave your Tech-9 and that kilo of coke on the bus, okay.
Looking Glass by VJ Waks
The More You Own, The More You're Owned
the combat space
search for an american spartacus
songs of arуas
song of the secret gardener
the year the world took the z-pill
beasts of arуas
the fighting edge
Cory B     Jul 25, 2013

Great "Lord of the Rings" comparison
James     Aug 3, 2013

You know that makes us the orks right?
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