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Welcome, Paleface, to the Dindustan Diner
A Note to 89: You Were Not the First and Will Not Be the Last
© 2016 James LaFond
Bart has tried so hard to get the Taboo You FaceBook page up to 100 likes. When I look at the Face Book page front for others who blog on masculinity and such, I see tens of thousands of likes.
However, I don't want Bart to feel bad about this. He's doing a lot of reposts, basically copying this whole site onto Face Book and has even gotten us back up after being censored by the PC Police.
About once a week, I check in on the page—I can't really go to it because I'm not in the Face Book Universe, just like I can't buy my own books, because I don't exist financially. I noticed the other day that I had 89 likes and was wondering how long this most recent 89 would last before I pissed him off. He's gone—lasted two days, I think.
I do realize this is my fault and it is not the only venue in which my reptilian personality precludes primate popularity.
Then there is the fact that I speak the truth about black people, which alienates most of them, yet fail to hate black people and even cavort with some of them in darkened precincts by moonlight, which alienates most of those who are following the ongoing Hunt for Whitey, for which I offer the most immediate coverage, being a constant target of black violence in my everyday life.
So, do your self a favor. Before you like me on Face Book, read 10 Harm City articles and 10 Man Cave articles.
If you don't hate my ugly face after that, give us a like.
In the meantime, Welcome, Paleface, to the Dindustan Diner. Would you like to be placed on the appetizer, main course or desert menu—or are you ala carte?
If so, see our Reparations Recover Agents currently patrolling the parking lot...
A Hoodrat Halloween: The Legend of Reggiemon Thom
‘How Were These Numbers Obtained?’
the man cave
‘Moving Made Me Happy’
songs of arуas
taboo you
the greatest lie ever sold
the sunset saga complete
honor among men
when you're food
america the brutal
fiction anthology one
Sam J.     Oct 3, 2016

"...Then there is the fact that I speak the truth about black people, which alienates most of them, yet fail to hate black people and even cavort with some of them in darkened precincts by moonlight, which alienates most of those who are following the ongoing Hunt for Whitey..."

You wouldn't know it from the press but lots of White Southerners are like that. Myself I stay away from them on principle as I see no gain in being around them at all.
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