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‘A World of Blood and Savagery’
Christinsanity and Godel’s Zombie Apocalypse Theorem by Eirik Bloodaxe
© 2016 James LaFond
Prepper Press has released 7 short kindle books that are very affordable, supporting and expanding Eirick Bloodaxe’s contentions made in his massive two volume Zombie Apocalypse work.
I, as a heathenish Christian sympathizer, was interested in the manuscript for the 8th item and found his work less damning than expected by the title and fascinating as well. His basic theory seems to be that all of the theological, ideological and humanitarian back flips we humans have been engaged in over the course of civilization will not amount to a can of beans once the current attempt at global domestication implodes. Here is a quote from the introduction to Christinsanity, which is not yet in Kindle form:
“Whereas most foundational critiques of Christianity typically involve critics arguing from a humanist/liberal political position, embracing scientific rationalism, as well as an enormous amount of intellectual arrogance, my position is that most human intellectual endeavours are intrinsically flawed, and soon reveal themselves to be riddled with contradictions and paradoxes. In the past, theologians have tried to defend Christianity and Judeo-Christianity from a fideist position, arguing that reason is not essential to faith, and they often employed epistemological skeptical arguments in an attempt to show that rationalism is just as bad off as religion, if reason is the sole guide to belief. Use was made of arguments such as the problem of the criterion to show that reason was self-refuting. Take a standard of rationality/truth etc. To justify it cannot be by means of that standard or criterion itself, as that would be circular. To use another standard or criterion generates an infinite regress, and not to justify the standard at all is outright dogmatism, inconsistent with the rationalist philosophy. Variants of this argument continue with the infamous problem of justifying induction, which challenges scientific rationality. ”
As usual, the author’s work is heavily footnoted and the reader is not required to agree with all of what is presented to derive value from it. If you are fed up with “the non-aggression principal” the “assignment of guilt,” “the opposite gender as the enemy” and other crybaby trends, I recommend Bloodaxe’s theoretical supplements to his Zombie Apocalypse omnibus, beginning with the most entertaining rant I’ve read in a while:
Gödel's Zombie Apocalypse Theorem
Twelve Tears for the Goddess
book reviews
‘As God Pleased’
shrouds of arуas
let the world fend for itself
the greatest lie ever sold
dark, distant futures
crag mouth
your trojan whorse
the year the world took the z-pill
Jeremy Bentham     Oct 2, 2016

“The one means that’s wins the easiest victory over reason: Terror and Force!”

-Adolph Hitler, "Mein Kampf"
James     Oct 3, 2016

It is getting grim out there, Jeremy.

I was wondering, do you have any figures for Islamic Dindu immigration into Michigan? And if so, do you think it will ever—or parts there of—amount to a separatist Sharia law Ruled enclave?
Jeremy Bentham     Oct 4, 2016

“I don't see much future for the Americans ... it's a decayed country. And they have their racial problem, and the problem of social inequalities ... my feelings against Americanism are feelings of hatred and deep repugnance ... everything about the behavior of American society reveals that it's half Judaised, and the other half negrified. How can one expect a State like that to hold together?”

― Adolph Hitler, Hitler's Secret Conversations, 1941-1944

Sharia Law Enclaves in Michigan, eh? By all accounts some Detroit suburbs like Dearborn (AKA "Dearbornistan") and Hamtramck are already Sharia Law enclaves "de facto" (in fact) if not "de jure" (by law). For example in Hamtramck you don't have to set your alarm, for the "Adhan" the Muslim call to prayer will wake you up before sunrise: "Prayer is better than sleep! Come to prayer, come to success!" (Adhan -Muslim call to prayer broadcast in Hamtramck, Michigan) Naturally only non-whites and/or non-Christian majorities are allowed to impose their culture on others residing within the corporate limits of their community under the prevailing Leftist paradigm. Muslims in particular are wont to impose their religious values and culture on others and to feel no compunction about it. Quite the contrary it is their duty to do so. Thus these "Sharia Law enclaves" will only increase in number and intensity once Hillary is crowned Queen and floods the country with all manner of refugees and migrants. It's not just Michigan that will get more Muslim refugees either. The Obama Administration is working even now to settle Muslim refugees in Western States such as Idaho, Utah, Montana and the Dakotas as well.; For more information check out the refugee resettlement watch website run by your fellow Maryland denizen Anne Corcoran: "Changing America by changing the people"

Soon you'll be able to watch Chechens brawl with Turks in the streets of YOUR town: Ah... feel the vibrant diversity!
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