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Bulletproof Whitey?
SS Sam Makes a Residential Recommendation for Hunted White Apes
© 2016 James LaFond
HI James,
Saw this in the compost today. I guess you need to move to this guy's neighborhood.
Sounds so much safer than yours.
SS Sam
Thank you, Sam.
Compost it is.
This is pure propaganda.
But, good propaganda is based on facts.
The fact is that almost all shootings by blacks are of blacks.
This is the only crime the media care about because the media are the priests of materialism.
Rapes, beatings, robberies, stickups, stabbings, none of these matter.
Only the killing of the sacred human carcass matters.
I have never been to Chicago, but have spoken with whites and Latinos who have been attacked by blacks in Chicago.
I can really only speak on Baltimore, however.
Black men and youth use handguns against whites more often than against each other, with stickups of whites more numerous than recorded shootings, lethal and non lethal. Also, most stickups are not reported, where most shootings are at least recorded by police listening devices.
There is no need to gun down white people, as they do not fight back and therefore do not qualify as rivals and are simple prey—better to rob him now and later than to shoot him today and only get one prize and infinitely more heat.
Yesterday, I went out for a walk on Sunday afternoon and had to defend myself against three innocent, unarmed, black youth, who recently threatened to steal a friend’s dog when he was taking it for a walk.
There is a type of white privilege that does occur in Baltimore. Hipsters, yuppies, businessmen and other obviously well-heeled whites are passed over by black predators, who prefer to hit poor and working class whites as well as white children, for the very practical reason that they do not want legal heat and they know that influential whites can bring the police down on them.
For instance, if myself [a clerk in ragged clothes, renting room] or my oldest son [a mechanic with long hair, beard and a gravelly voice] get robed and report it, the BPD will run a check on us first, to see if we have any outstanding warrants and will then ask to search us, hoping to find drugs. They will also accuse us of coming to Baltimore to buy drugs and ask us why we don’t live in the suburbs.
If my youngest son, in his 50K car and Donald Trump success wear [cufflinks, perfect diction, the whole nine yards], is robbed in Baltimore and calls it in, the cops are going to be on the case—probably even offer him a glass of water, hedging their bets that he might be the son of a judge or politician or real estate developer.
In my son’s affluent Baltimore County neighborhood, he and his other middle class friends are regularly burglarized and have their cars broken into and or stolen. None of them have been attacked by the black criminals.
A mile out the road, in the working class neighborhood where I coach, the Dindus are kicking in doors, abducting people, conducting mob attacks and stick-ups and doing blatant daylight muggings on busy street corners.
When my son, in high tax base Loch Raven Village, calls the cops they are there, pronto.
The very same precinct covers low tax base, Baynesville and police coverage is hit or miss.
People look at Loch Raven Village and say, why have the blacks skipped it, why are they robbing and attacking all around, but not here? It is because Loch Raven Village is on the County Seat’s flank, has upwardly mobile homebuyers and has a big tax base due to the high valued townhomes which bring more revenue per acre than mansions and ranch houses out in Towson.
There is also the fact that honest blacks—meaning most of them—look out for people like this liberal author, as he clearly demonstrates in his article. They want a moneyed white guy patronizing their business. If something goes down and he is a witness the cops will believe him. And, if he gets shot by some Dindu, the owners will step up, because he is worth it in their eyes. Whereas, if some low life thug gets popped they didn’t see shit. The blacks that he spoke to—whose opinions about the dangers to white people in black neighborhoods he dismissed as so much childish chatter—knew what they were talking about.
If there is any justice in this world the author of that Washington Post article will be gang raped in an alley by his harmless subjects.
He is the modern slave master.
New York, Los Angeles and Chicago have their very own heavily-managed crime trends, and these places do provide whites with many safe zones, relative to the mid-sized and small American cities, like Baltimore, subject to a blooming criminal class that tends to manage law enforcement better than law enforcement manages it.
This nimrod should try walking out Old Eastern Avenue in Baltimore County, every night for a month. I bet they even take his shoes.
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Jeremy Bentham     Oct 3, 2016

“Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way round, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise.” - Adolph Hitler
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