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‘The Most Dangerous Time’
Michael Pento and Mike Maloney with Chris Martenson in 2 Financial Podcasts
© 2016 James LaFond
Okay, I can’t even count my money and it all fits in a wallet. My sense, from listening to this podcast and other like it is that we are looking at a reoccurring theme in modern life. When I was out west I was able to explore a recent burn in Yellow Stone, drove through three other burned down forests, and ate dinner during two brushfires. The day I left, Ishmael pointed to a mountain, the top half of which is a spiral patchwork of 40 acre spreads on which vast—very glassy and hard to heat—mansions are owned and being built by millionaires and even billionaires. The richest Americans are fleeing to landlocked mountaintops inhabited at their base by working class whites, ranchers, farmers, hunters, who appear to be peasants about some medieval castle.
This mountain, and the other gated mountain like it that I toured, was very heavily overgrown with brush and deadfalls. My guide said to me, a bit wistfully, “They don’t let us harvest it, not even the deadfalls. It’s a tinderbox and one day it will all burn. It will make good elk feed after the burn.”
This is what ran through my mind as I listened to these two podcasts. I do not believe for a minute that this private production of fiat currency is a misunderstanding by central bankers. This is theft. The central banks will become the feudal lords of whatever is left after this system collapses.
Michael Pento: The Coming Bond Bubble Collapse
Mike Maloney: This Is The Peak
Bulletproof Whitey?
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your trojan whorse
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honor among men
Sam J.     Oct 5, 2016

They're printing tons and tons of cash but it all goes to the bankers. Fat chance you'll see any of it. They did the same in Germany before the whole thing collapsed in a heap.

We know after the bank bail out, due to a Ron Paul bill doing an limited audit, they gave the banks 16 trillion dollars. A guy using open source info guessed they gave them 29 trillion and this was a several years ago. With that kind of money and figuring on 300 million Americans you could have bought every family of four a house for $250,000 and have $136,666 left over for health care, pay off debts and maybe buy a new car. Our recession would have been done. Over. Maybe it would cause other problems but no average American would have debts and the economy would have recovered nicely.

The bankers are scamming the hell out of us. Let's look at our scamming Federal Reserve System that creates our money supply. I'm going to explain this but you won't believe me it's so stupid how we create money. The Treasury of the US wants some money. Any money, loans or any money created at all. They go to the FED and the FED says you can print it but you have to sign a bond where you owe us the principle, plus interest on all the money you print. The FED creates this money they give us out of thin air. From nowhere and we promise to pay them the principle, plus interest. So let's say we need money to pay back the interest and the principle. We go to the FED and borrow MORE money to pay the principle and the interest. Now this may seem baffling but this is the way it's done. A little thought an you will see that the people getting all this interest and the principle will eventually own everything. A little more thought and you will realize that if all money is created by debt, and it is, that if we pay off the debt...we would have no money. So all this talk about paying down the debt is just lies because we can't. Unless you want no money at all.

This system is so ridiculous that it's falling apart so what are they doing about it? They're making a new system that's exactly the same except it goes global and each country gets something called Special Drawing Rights SDR's. It's exactly the same as the old system except it's run globally by the bankers. We should just take back our 29 Trillion, bankrupt the banks, buy every one a house and a car, pay for 15 years of health care and from now on just print our own money and let the FED and the bankers pound sand. They're so completely worthless that they can print money from nothing and still go broke and need a bail out.
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