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‘Monuments to an Ancient Civilization’
Paul Kersey - Diversity in America: The Death of the Space Program
© 2016 James LaFond
It is so nice to listen to Paul Kersey without some lisping wimp spinning the conversation. Paul seems to understand black American culture on a higher plain than the other alt right commentators on the internet and Hendrick is a really balanced interviewer.
75% of NFL players are broke within three years!
That is good news.
Wait, wait what type of people make up 70-some percent of NFL players?
I definitely think that Paul is over-optimistic about Joe Six-Pack in America waking up and throwing off the black yoke. However, it’s a nice thought. I love Paul’s commentary on how black officials in Baltimore make a living off of black violence. He is absolutely right, of course.
Paul’s work on Trick or Treating traditions among Caucasians and the fact that the custom ends when blacks move in is excellent. The idea that this weird pagan custom is crucial to community building sounds novel, but on an instant’s reflection it is absolutely true. I can remember full scale trick or treating and cringe in disgust at what it is now, a chance for adults to get drunk in costumes and criminals to burn vacant buildings.
At 28:00 Hendrick launches on an excellent discussion of how eye-opening it is to see a people replaced in the maw of the architecture built by and for them. I do not see the fall of White America as a tragic defeat but as a simpering surrender, a suicide of civilizational proportions.
“When equality is considered the greatest goal of a nation state, it won’t be a nation state for long.”
As far as Paul’s point about natural black criminality, he does not tell the tale of extreme barbarity that was English and French plantation slavery. He claims that all mixed race blacks were killed during the Haitian revolution, however, 130 years afterwards, most of the Haitian rulers were mixed race. To be fair almost all readers of Stoddard’s account misread it. To dovetail with his conviction that blacks are naturally unable to attain high civilization on their own, that is why they were imported at many times the cost of the white slaves they replaced, for the blacks were intentionally mixed by ethnicity and treated in such a way as to insure that they would never be able to rise as a united group, but rather limp along as the muscle power to help the white elite keep the working whites unemployed and out of power. Blacks were not brought to the plantations to produce, but because they could be easily managed and would fail to rise against their masters. The descendents of these blacks are still easily managed and serving their masters as exemplified by today’s riots and race purges.
Whitey On the Moon, as the discussion of the superiority of Werner Von Braun’s dream over Martin Luther King’s dream is absolutely my favorite portion of the podcast and where Paul really gets passionate. The fact that the early NASA Space Program was almost torpedoes by affirmative action and that it is now being historically revised for movie myth, is chilling and lets the reader know how far back the disenfranchisement of Caucasian American Men goes in Modern America.
I have my differences with Paul on the black question. However, we are in agreement that America has been an exercise in handing over the work done by whites of one generation to the descendents of others, wrapped in a hateful indictment that all of Caucasian kind is irredeemably evil.
In the end, Paul and the rest of the alt right miss the point. This is not about whether whites rule for whites or blacks rule for blacks.
This is about elite whites using blacks and others to keep the majority of whites down and at bay, because only one race of people has overthrown most of the nations on planet earth and it was Whitey that did it, so, for the whites in power, the enemy is Whitey, as it has always been.
That is something whites and blacks have in common, something blacks call, “Throwing your own under the bus.”
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