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Men without Honor
Black Pack Rapists and White Sissy Wife-Beaters in Baltimore, Maryland, 1968-2016
© 2016 James LaFond
To understand the origins of Harm City, as it currently crumbles, we need only look at the masculine landscape. There are many theories about how elites have broken ethnic neighborhoods, that government has criminalized urban environments and now suburbs, etc. I agree, to a certain extent, to all of these notions.
However, none of these methods work to destroy a community if that community is headed by intact men, men that sacrifice for their family, protect their family, provide for their women, bring their sons up in a hard school of transformative masculinity, men who engender loyalty—blind loyalty—in the hearts of their women. There are many methods by which government, the media and religion—today all wrapped up together—have, do and will undermine masculine identity. This is the key to building a state, undermining masculine identity, as this is the basis for tribalism, and the tribe is the natural social organism that The State is designed to incorporate, then supplant, then eradicate.
I do not write here about these methods, but rather seek to describe the conditions of emasculation such methods are geared toward achieving, conditions necessary for the eradication of culture, notions of tribe, ethnicity and race, conditions necessary for the Extinction of Man, conditions that were ripe to dastard fruition in Baltimore City after the race riots of 1968, and finally fell from the blighted tree of a once proud city in 1971, with the large scale importation of Heroin.
I do not know what your city’s masculine landscape is like, other than it is not a community of men and their dependents, but a coerced conglomeration of males from diverse cultures in various stages of cultural eradication, sharing only the envy of the low for that which is possessed by those on high.
The city I was born into, at Mercy Hospital in 1963, and—except for four formative teen years spent in a small Western Pennsylvania Town—have lived and worked in my entire life, has had a distinct, constant, dual masculine landscape from 1968 until this day. It took a few years for it to form in the crucible of social engineering, but has maintained a solid identity from 1972 through 2016. I have only personally experienced this as a man since 1981. However, I have spent hundreds of hours interviewing older men and their female mirrors concerning the masculine landscape, and have a firm grasp of the character of The Baltimore Man back to 1968. From thence backward some broad differences were apparent, as described in my book on violence and aggression, 40,000 Years from Home. However, I lack the richly textured understanding of the earlier era that gave way to that which I describe below.
The following impressions are largely based on 1675 interviews I conducted from May 1996 through June 2000, concerning the subject of violence and aggression.
The Baltimore Man
Whether white or black, The Man of Baltimore has exemplified the following traits with banal consistency since my childhood:
1. He does not engage in contact sports. Contact sports are for children and freaks. Men do not engage in physical contests with other men. Less that 1% of the population engages in contact sports beyond age 18.
2. He is a fiercely loyal—even rabid—sports fan.
3. He drinks to excess more often than not.
4. He believes that society owes him a debt, either because he is a tax payer or because his ancestors were oppressed.
The White Baltimore Man
1. His wife or woman is not loyal. This was traditionally achieved by beating, demeaning and neglecting the woman, but, since the mid 1980s, has more often been achieved by groveling before the woman. There has been no time in my memory when the majority of poor, working and middleclass men in Baltimore exhibited a balanced, trusting relationship with their mate. In speaking with a number of women and police officers a decade older than I, it seems a fair estimate that in the late 1960s and early 1970s, 3 out of 5 white men beat their women. Women from rural Pennsylvania and Virginia, many of whom I encountered in Baltimore, have not revealed a matching trend in their place of origin.
2. He is a sissy. Nine out of ten white men will not stand-up to a threat, will not defend their property, and vehemently deny that defending themselves, their wife, children, employees, coworkers or neighbors is their duty, let alone the sacred duty it was to all previous generations of men. These men have paid their taxes, worked their fingers and brains to the breaking point and insist that The State honor its bargain to protect them and theirs.
3. Black men are his collective, civic God of Wrath. Nine out of ten white men in Baltimore have a palpable dread of black men, will run, cower, whine, beg and plead with blacks who attack them. Their worship of freakish black athletes compounds this belief that black men are super human race warriors that cannot be stood against. The reader must understand that, on this point, I make no exaggeration—none. This is the state of white manhood in Baltimore.
The men of no previous, tribal society, would, upon understanding the conduct, character and life way of the White Man of Baltimore, classify him as a man, but rather as neutered person or a surrogate woman.
The Black Baltimore Man
1. His woman—usually not a wife—is not in the least loyal, based primarily on his failure to provide and the fact that he is ruled by his mother. This is compounded by his inability to compete with The State, resulting in his typically living as an outcast from his own family, whose familial identity—and he desperately wants this identity—is limited to taking risks for his mother, sister, woman and daughter. Public, and even private, beatings of black women by their men has historically been low, mostly because the woman has a large pool of avengers to draw upon, men, who, like him, are conditioned from childhood to regard their duty as a man as inseparable from serving prison time. Where the White Man sees himself working to provide for and insure State protection of his family, the Black Man goes to prison for his family.
2. He is a sissy. Despite his dedication to violence, most black men have been emasculated from the cradle by cruel mothers, and lacking the attention of absent fathers, derive their masculine identity from peer bonding. These men will almost never be found alone and are very unlikely to engage a man—even a cowardly white—aggressively, unless they outnumber the defender. Even then, weapons are preferred to further increase the odds of success and limit risk. Most of these men were beaten with weapons [mostly shoes and belts] by their mothers as children and are conditioned to act in kind.
3. Black Men see themselves as the abused children of a cruel white God, who is too powerful to contend with—as he is embodied by The State. Indeed, this pathology is so pronounced that even eight years of living under a “black” president has not slackened the belief that “The Man,” “The White Devil,” “White Daddy” or “Whitey” waxes so terrifyingly powerful, that the only way to subvert this hell on earth is to engage in crime. I have lived and worked and socialized with hundreds of black men and have only encountered one [that was born and raised in the U.S.], that believes that buying stolen goods is wrong.
4. He is a sex fiend, very likely a rapist. Active intercourse usually begins at 12 years, often earlier. 95% of all black, female university freshmen claim to have been raped. Most black men will have sex with any woman, any time, under any circumstances. Most black men consider it their “duty to service that booty.” Up to a third of black men will have unprotected sex with a woman known to carry an STD. Roughly a third of black men were molested or raped by a man, woman or older child while in childhood. Roughly a third of black men are willing to have sex with and/or rape a man. Ironically this utter devotion to having sex with as many women as humanly possible [the typical black man has had 100 partners] makes them more prone to violence on behalf of women, and also emasculation rituals such as forcing another male to perform oral sex at gunpoint. Any woman who is slighted, or actually harmed or insulted by a man, can find black men that will avenge her based on their perception that this action will lead to having sex with the woman for whom he is acting as a proxy. In the case of a family member, all involved regard it as the man’s duty to go to prison for exacting street justice. Black women joyfully send their men to prison in order to enhance their own autonomy. Ritual gang rape among young teens is one method of peer-bonding in the face of the Ghetto Queen ethos at the core of Black Baltimore. One of the saddest things to witness, as a man, is a birthday dinner at a good middle class restaurant. Typically there will be three generations of mothers with sisters or aunts, mixed gender children and one uncle. Women will occupy both ends of the table. The lone man will sit quietly under the direction of a sister or mother and not engage male wait-staff or other male patrons.
In terms of primal masculine qualities, The Black Man of Baltimore types as an adolescent male in a primitive setting. No self-respecting tribe of headhunters would grant these mammy-hugging clowns warrior status without an extreme psychological makeover.
Despite the title Men without Honor, The Baltimore Man does have a narrow sense of honor: The White Man vests his in a sense of material hording and in climbing the money-making hierarchy of his chosen career, while The Black Man vests his sense of honor in a narrow, emotive, feminized interpretation of personal honor, based largely on acute slight perception and posture bravado.
Both honor systems are dysfunctional at their root, but taken together and combined in the same setting, they spiral into an oddly symbiotic cycle of black predation and white alienation. At some point, it must be assumed that such easy predation will further erode the clownish sense of black masculinity and that the severe state of white alienation will spawn a hyper-aggressive minority dedicated to preying upon the enemy race, perhaps igniting a feral sense of tribalism that might eventually lead to an intact masculine Caucasian sub-culture. Considering the lock that women and The State have on the black male mind, it is unlikely that that an intact masculine culture shall ever arise from the current criminal matrix still referred to, somewhat anachronistically, as Baltimore City.
Under the God of Things
‘A Police Niցցer?’
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Apocalypse Down Under
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by the wine dark sea
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barbarism versus civilization
Paleface Jase     Oct 4, 2016

Very informative article. What if anything do you know of the Asian and Hispanic demographic and their masculine status?
James     Oct 5, 2016

The masculine landscape is slim in Baltimore outside of blacks and whites. The Latinos just came in in the last 10 years and seem to be mostly working people, not crooks. I know almost nothing about the Latino scene, such as it is.

The Pakistani and Sikh business owners will kill you and take no shit from anybody.

The Koreans have been run out by the blacks and bought out by the Paks. Suffice it to say the Koreans always had a reputation for being strong men. Nobody liked them and nobody took them lightly.

I will try and get some interviews in the coming year through a Dominican barber shop, if I still have enough hair to bother him.
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