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Apocalypse Down Under
By Eirik Bloodaxe
© 2016 Eirik Bloodaxe
South Australia is a place that most Americans know nothing about. For good reason: there is nothing special about this place beyond it being something of a testing ground for New World Order policies. For example, it was the second place in the West to give women the vote, although there was some doubt whether or not the constitution permitted it. But no-one challenged it, besides raising a few murmurs and business went on in perhaps the state with the most stupidest people on earth. At the moment, because the state government is broke from decades of financial disasters, including the collapse of the State Bank (the interest of which rate payers pay off each year), the state government is set to make the state into the world's nuclear waste dump. Highly radioactive material will be put in open pits in the desert until the government has enough money to dig a hole and bury it. Hence, I am learning Spanish to migrate to South America. If Hillary gets in, I hope to be the first red headed blue eyed Viking refugee to your country. Oh, I will dye my hair black and put in brown contacts, and cut 6 inches off of my legs.
During the past few weeks the state has been hit by three super-storms. There were tornadoes which ripped up trees and things that you Americans would not find unusual. Massive flooding destroyed houses and wrecked businesses. For a small in-debt state, this could not have come at a worst time. People were totally unprepared for this. Most people can't even spell the word "tornado" let alone survive one.
My property was hit badly by floods, but I spend time preparing for disasters, so I saved my house. My neighbor's hillside collapsed smashing his house as flat as a muddy, rocky pancake. He is a fuckin' prick so I didn't help him. I would have left him to die in the rubble, but the emergency workers got in by chopper.
The newspapers said that even with a complete state-wide power blackout that there was only one case of looting and home invasion. This in my opinion was just bullshit. Each day, while eating breakfast I listen to a radio station that reports on last night's home invasions and robberies. Guns are highly restricted in our jurisdiction, so most of these attacks are with a variety of melee weapons, such as screwdrivers, sharpened spikes, and the all-time favorite, the cheap kitchen knife. I always think of James when hearing about the latest attacks and I imagine that he would find these guys to be pretty much pussies compared to their US colleagues.
Word on the street was that the ghouls were making the most of "lights out." While guns are heavy controlled, people with farms can get them for pest control. So, while digging trenches and moving rocks that could slide down the hill, I had with me my trusty lever action shotgun (pumps and semis are banned). Nothing happened, I suppose, as no-one could get over the flooded river.
Overall, this episode demonstrated to me that most people would not survive a real crisis. A couple of weeks of this and there would be no food in supermarkets, and then the plebs will be really hungry, and the show would be on. In a way I kind of hope that it all ends like this, because compared to the endless paperwork bullshit of daily life, this was fun. Apocalypse, now! (Please God.)
By Eirik Bloodaxe
Men without Honor
the man cave
‘As An Old Miner Once Said’
songs of arуas
solo boxing
the combat space
taboo you
the fighting edge
dark, distant futures
search for an american spartacus
under the god of things
Sam J.     Oct 7, 2016

If you go to South America you will be making a huge mistake. There's too many people there already and you're not exactly the same race as them. There is a possibility of nuclear war. A very high one if Hillary wins. I will most likely die and if you are in South America you might also. Australia has a lot of resources and a whole lot of empty space. Look at this guys page.

He moved from the US to Australia just for this reason. Now I must warn you I've read every post of his but lately I'm having a slight feeling that he may not be 100% truthful or maybe just has a thin grasp on the truth. He has self described Asperger syndrome. Maybe he believes all he says but some of it is not correct. I think. I think he moved to Western Australia. You'd have to look to make sure. There was one side of Australia that had huge Tsunamis hit it in the past. Maybe 600 feet high. He moved to the other side. Supposedly from Hawaii sloughing off a big chunk of one of it's Islands. There's already cracks on the same Island so it could happen again.

You just need to move to a better place in Australia. I'm not sure that much of anywhere is a "good" place these days. It's all about limiting your risk. New Zealand maybe. I have a distant relative from Northern England that moved there. He said NE was a huge shit hole and collapsing. I think this is going on most everywhere. The exceptions being the Asian countries are rising but the raw, honest, truth is they make never take off. The odds of the average Asian person becoming wealthy like the West was a one time are extremely small I think. Robots are going to kick the living shit out of all average people's wages. There will very few of most of the jobs that kept the average Joe in beer money. This in turn will collapse economies world wide. There will be no very large cash flows circulating that actually makes the economy go. A few ultra rich and the rest will be fucked. There will be some tech jobs but the demand for any kind of job will keep even these wages low.

You may not believe the people in Australia are any good but if you moved around you'd rapidly find that people in other countries can be WAY worse.

You know if you could just lay low in a BIG disaster for say six months most of the people will die off. The bad news is the ones that survive will be smart and quite possibly hard core dangerous or maybe not. I expect if there was ever a knock out disaster in the US Negros would be mostly slaughtered. They're used to attacking Whites and them not fighting back but in a real do or die situation Whites would start piling up the bodies quickly. Blacks would largely be shot on sight as the odds that they would be of any use at all would be very slim.

Maybe they would be eaten. :)
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