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The Flying Monkey Army #1
Jeremy Bentham’s Exposition of the Agenda of The Wicked Witch of the Left in the U.S. of Oz
© 2016 Jeremy Bentham
James to answer your question about Islamic Dindu immigration.
Two things that Hillary will do to solidify Leftist control of America is: 1. Flood the country with all manner of immigrants and refugees from Mexico, Central and South America, the Middle East , Africa and elsewhere, who will be expected to collectively become another solid and reliable Democrat voter bloc AND harass and demoralize conservative whites in communities large and small across the land. 2. Finish the job President Obama began eight years ago of packing all the federal courts with Leftist judges who will decide all cases in favor of Leftist policy agenda’s for decades to come.
If Trump does not win this election then after just another four years of Democrat rule the demographic, economic and political make up of America will be changed so drastically that will become highly unlikely that the Republican Party will win a U.S. Presidential election ever again. The "fundamental transformation of the United States of America” will be complete. Americans won’t know what hit them.
Will refugee flood gates open even wider if Hillary elected on November 8th? Yes!
Posted by Ann Corcoran on October 1, 2016
Yes, I believe they will!
Today, October 1, 2016 is the opening day of the last of Obama’s driving efforts to change America by changing its people.
A few weeks ago he presented to Congress his determination to admit 110,000 refugees from around the world over the next 12 months with the largest numbers coming from the Middle East and Muslim-controlled countries of Africa.
But, if Hillary is elected president on November 8th, Obama will look like a piker.
Could Hillary dramatically expand refugee admissions numbers? Yes, she can! Will she? I think so!
No where did Obama ever say he wanted 65,000 Syrians admitted to the US, but Hillary is on record (Face the Nation, September 2015) saying that, and I am guessing that will only be the beginning for her.
After all, she just this week said that the foreign leader she admired most is German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Merkel!!! who is widely believed to be destroying Germany and has thrown all of Europe in chaos with her ‘welcome’ of any refugee from Africa and the Middle East who can get there!
Remember the other day I wrote about the fact that the number determined by the President at the end of the fiscal year for the following year is a ceiling set by the President in consultation with Congress.
‘Consultation’ is a squishy term as we have seen for the last 35 years and is virtually non-existent (except for a brief chit chat between the Secretary of State and two key committees on the Hill). Each September, the President sends up his refugee numbers for the upcoming year and for years Congress simply slipped his plan into a drawer somewhere and never even held hearings. Senator Sessions’ hearing last fall (2015) was the first since 9/11.
The only real power the Congress has is to limit the funding for the federal agencies involved, something I have never seen done!
So, back to Hillary and the power of the Presidency as it relates to this law.
One of Hillary’s long time political allies is John Podesta, Chairman of her 2016 Presidential campaign. Do you know that his organization (an organization Hillary helped create with George Soros) proposed an AIRLIFT in 2009 of 100,000 Iraqis to America which they pushed on the new President Obama? He didn’t bite.
The plan called for Iraqis to be held offshore somewhere until they could be processed in to the US. More recently Canada’s boy Trudeau airlifted tens of thousands of Syrians to Canada. If President, could Hillary do this? Yes she can!
Refugee Act’s emergency provision
There is a very clear provision, which I don’t think has been used (the large crush of Vietnamese came before the Refugee Act of 1980 became law), but I think Hillary will use it. By defeating Donald Trump, she will feel she has a mandate to open our borders. There definitely won’t be a border fence built and I predict she will use every lawful means available to admit as many migrants as she can, including the emergency provisions of the Refugee Act of 1980.
Could she add her 65,000 Syrians to the 110,000 refugees Obama proposed for FY2017, or could she go even higher? Yes, she could knowing that the Congress, even if Republicans still hold the majority, is weak and will be further demoralized by her win.
Heck her role model, Mama Merkel, admitted over a million in the last year. Not to look ‘unwelcoming’ by comparison, Hillary could easily bump our numbers up to a quarter of a million! (That would be in addition to the masses of asylum seekers—-phony refugees—now streaming across our southern border.)
See here (Refugee Act of 1980):
Consultation with Congress, big deal! No teeth! And, I expect no fight if Hillary is in the White House!
Will Hillary go there? Yes, I believe she will.
Quran (3:151) - "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority".
Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing...
Quran (3:56) - "As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help."
“With your democratic laws, we will colonize you. With our Koranic laws, we will dominate you.”
- Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradawi, UOIE (Union of Muslim Organizations in Europe)
"Does Islam, or does it not, force people by the power of the sword to submit? Yes." - Osama bin Laden, open letter to USA.
“By Allah, you will fear to walk the streets. You will fear working in your offices.”
- ISIS’ Al-Hayat Media Center. 2015
Do not ask whom the Islamic terrorist is being imported to kill; he is being imported to kill you. Another “known wolf” case. Of course the authorities generally can’t do anything about them unless and until they break the law. Which is of course why we need to import more angry , disaffected Muslims into this country, because we don’t have enough native born maniacs and cranks to keep our law enforcement and counter-intelligence agencies gainfully employed, eh?
One more child ‘refugee’ grows up and wants to kill Americans, Maryland this time
Posted by Ann Corcoran on October 4, 2016
His name is Mohamed and he came from Bangladesh as a baby. Was he a part of a refugee family (the knife attacker in St. Cloud), a successful asylum seeker family (like the Tsarnaevs or the recent NJ bomber), or perhaps his family won the ‘diversity visa lottery’ (we have taken thousands of Bangladeshis through that dreadful program)? All are legal immigration programs the Republicans in Congress refuse to fix!
And, as long as law enforcement, the Department of Homeland Security, and most media don’t tell us which legal means the newest Islamic terrorist used to get in to the US, I’ve decided to call them all refugees.
He was one more ISIS terrorist. Another story at AP gives additional details:
Enterprising reporters should call all of the federal resettlement contractors in Maryland and see if he is one of theirs.
Here is news about the latest Islamic terrorist we raised with our welfare dollars.
From Breitbart:
The FBI has detained yet another Islamic immigrant named Mohamed for preparing a jihad attack.
This time, the arrested Islamic immigrant is Nelash Mohamed Das, aged 24. He was born in Bangladesh and was living in Maryland.
Since 2001, law-enforcement officials have arrested more than 101 people named for Islam’s reputed prophet, Muhammad. Many other Islamic immigrants, converts and citizens have launched deadly attacks against Americans in Orlando, Florida, in Chattanooga, Tennessee, in San Bernardino, California, in Fort Hood, Texas, and in other places.
In 2015, Das began to prepare a murder attempt of a U.S. service member living in Hyattsville, Maryland. When he and a confidential FBI source drove to the target’s house on October 3, Das was arrested as he tried to remove the weapons from the car’s trunk.
Keep reading.
By the way, here is my fix for every one of the cases where we raised a child and he (or she) grew up to be convicted on terrorism charges, the whole family gets deported and any other relatives and friends who could be proven to know what he/she was up to—out! A few cases like that and we wouldn’t have these ethnic families and communities knowing that an attack was coming and remaining silent.
The FBI has detained yet another Islamic immigrant named Mohamed for preparing a jihad attack.
This time, the arrested Islamic immigrant is Nelash Mohamed Das, aged 24. He was born in Bangladesh and was living in Maryland.
Since 2001, law-enforcement officials have arrested more than 101 people named for Islam’s reputed prophet, Muhammad. Many other Islamic immigrants, converts and citizens have launched deadly attacks against Americans in Orlando, Florida, in Chattanooga, Tennessee, in San Bernardino, California, in Fort Hood, Texas, and in other places.
In 2015, Das began to prepare a murder attempt of a U.S. service member living in Hyattsville, Maryland. When he and a confidential FBI source drove to the target’s house on October 3, Das was arrested as he tried to remove the weapons from the car’s trunk.
Das repeatedly expressed his determination to comply with Islam’s doctrinaire call for war against non-believers, showed his support for the Islamic States in Syria, and expressed his belief in orthodox Islam’s offer of paradise in exchange for murder. According to the Baltimore Sun,
Das used social media last year to express his support for ISIS, prosecutors said, “including support for terrorist attacks in Paris, France, and San Bernardino, California.”
Das tweeted the name and hometown of the service member, prosecutors said, and said the service member “aspires to kill Muslims.”…
Das tweeted a picture of an AK-47 assault rifle, prosecutors said, and wrote, “This is more than just a gun. This is a ticket to Jannah” — a reference, prosecutors said, to “the Islamic concept of paradise.”
On Twitter, Das also expressed envy of people “slaying kuffar” — killing nonbelievers — and dying as religious martyrs, prosecutors said…
During a meeting [with the confidential FBI source] on Sept. 11, prosecutors said, “Das confirmed that he was committed ‘100 percent’ to conducting an attack.”
“‘That’s like my goal in life,'” he told the source, prosecutors said. And on Friday, prosecutors said, he sent the source a text: “I’m ready”
Das arrived in the United States in 1995. He did not assimilate into U.S. culture, and remained a “permanent resident,” not a citizen.
Despite the evidence that jihadis are motivated by Islam, top U.S. officials, including President Barack Obama, insist that Islam does not motivate jihad attacks.
“Where we see terrorist organizations like al Qaeda or ISIL, they have perverted and distorted and tried to claim the mantle of Islam for an excuse for basically, barbarism and death,” Obama recently told the mother of a U.S. soldier killed in Iraq. “There’s no religious rationale that would justify in any way any of the things that they do,” Obama said Sept. 28.
The prosecutor in the case described the Islamic motives of Das, but still used the language of criminal law to portray the attack as motivated by a “terrorist organization,” not by Islam’s jihad doctrine. According to The Baltimore Sun,
“Nelash Mohamed Das is alleged to have plotted to kill a U.S. service member on behalf of ISIL,” said John Carlin, the assistant attorney general for national security, using an alternate acronym for the Islamic State. “Individuals intent on carrying out violence in the name of foreign terrorist organizations pose one of the most concerning threats that law enforcement faces today, and stopping these offenders before they are able to act is our highest priority.”
Despite the FBI’s successful detention of many imported Islamic jihadis, the federal government is rapidly increasing the inflow of Islamic followers into the United States. In July, Breitbart reported that;
Pew Research has estimated that immigration will cause the population of U.S. Muslims to more than double over the next two decades—from 2.6 million in 2010 to 6.2 million in 2030. This demographic change is entirely the product of legal admissions–that is, it is a formal policy of the federal government adopted by Congress.
Repeated polls show that majorities of Americans want to exclude Islamic ideology from the United States.
Books by James LaFond
Apocalypse Down Under
guest authors
The Flying Monkey Army #2
logic of steel
honor among men
crag mouth
son of a lesser god
winter of a fighting life
the year the world took the z-pill
your trojan whorse
search for an american spartacus
PR     Oct 7, 2016

It's interesting how all of these Islamic US citizens/terrorists are being funneled into the most left-leaning states with the most bloated bureaucracies. The Feds are tryign to send them into the Red States with Federal money but that will dry up in 2025 or so.
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