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The Flying Monkey Army #3
Jeremy Bentham’s Exposition of the Agenda of The Wicked Witch of the Left in the U.S. of Oz
© 2016 Jeremy Bentham and James LaFond
Census: Record 42.4M immigrants, 23% of school kids, Muslims biggest jump
Here you go James, more stats on Islamic Dindu immigration. Michigan is actually low on the list with only 6.4 % immigrants in its population. But of course the Muslims in Michigan are extremely concentrated in certain areas such that they make up the majority of the populace in communities like Dearborn and Hamtramck. Hence the joke about those towns being “Sharia Law enclaves”. It’s actually not that far from the truth, since whenever Muslims become the majority in any situation, they are not shy about insisting non-Muslims adhere to their customs and expectations. Maryland actually has a much higher percentage of immigrants in its population, including Muslims, at 14.9%.
Note: The U.S. Government is importing people who have little to nothing to contribute to American society PRECISELY because they have nothing to contribute. They will quickly became dependent on the government for their sustenance. So they will reliably vote for the Free Stuff Party. Muslims in particular feel no shame at living off the infidel tax payers, They see this as tribute, the Jizya Tax, which the Quran teaches them they are owed by non-Muslims, who are in their power, i.e. dhimmis. “Changing America by changing the people.”
"Mohammed is God's apostle. Those who follow him are harsh to the unbelievers but merciful to one another"
- Qu’ran 48:29
Census: Record 42.4M immigrants, 23% of school kids, Muslims biggest jump
By Paul Bedard ( @SecretsBedard ) • 10/4/16 10:26 AM
Washington Examiner |
At 42.4 million, there are now more immigrants, legal and illegal, in America than ever before, fueled by a massive flood from Muslim nations, and the growing numbers are substantially impacting public services like public schools, according to a weighty new analysis of Census Bureau data.
One impact of note: There are 10.9 million students from immigrant households in public schools, accounting for 23 percent of all public school students, according to the Center for Immigration Studies.
And while the doors remain open on the U.S.-Mexico border, the biggest percentage increases in immigration are all from largely Muslim nations, a fact that has been drawn into the presidential election.
According to CIS authors Steven A. Camarota, director of research, and Karen Zeigler, a demographer: "The sending countries with the largest percentage increases in immigrants living in the United States from 2010 to 2014 were Saudi Arabia (up 93 percent), Bangladesh (up 37 percent), Iraq (up 36 percent), Egypt (up 25 percent), and Pakistan, India, and Ethiopia (each up 24 percent)."
The New Nat Turner
“By Allah, you will fear to walk the streets. You will fear working in your offices.”
- ISIS’ Al-Hayat Media
Center. 2015
“I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.” - Qu’ran 8:12
“Kill one, terrify ten thousand.”
- Sun Tzu
James, it appears we will ALL need some tips for defeating knife assaults and ambushes. ISIS is getting back to basics and exhorting “unaffiliated” Jihadists to attack infidels with bladed weapons, “arma blanc”, in “quiet neighborhoods” where they will least expect such an attack. More mall stabbings are on the menu.
Furthermore, the movie “Birth of a Nation” will be opening in theaters soon. This version of the title is about the Nat Turner Slave Rebellion in in Southampton County, Virginia, during August 1831. In the event, the rebel slaves killed 55-66 whites.
“Because the rebels did not want to alert anyone, they discarded their muskets and used knives, hatchets, axes, and blunt instruments instead of firearms. (The latter also would have been more difficult for them to collect.) Historian Stephen B. Oates states that Turner called on his group to "kill all the white people."[13] A contemporary newspaper noted, "Turner declared that 'indiscriminate slaughter was not their intention after they attained a foothold, and was resorted to in the first instance to strike terror and alarm.'"[14] The group spared a few homes "because Turner believed the poor white inhabitants 'thought no better of themselves than they did of negroes.'"[13][15]
“The rebels spared almost no one whom they encountered, with the exception of a small child who hid in a fireplace among the few survivors. The slaves killed approximately sixty white men, women and children[13] before Turner and his brigade of insurgents were defeated. A white militia with twice the manpower of the rebels and reinforced by three companies of artillery eventually defeated the insurrection.[16]”
The militia and white “mobs" killed 100-200 rebel slaves. 56 rebel slaves were taken captive and executed.
"Birth of a Nation” depicts the graphic massacre of whites by blacks with edged weapons and tools.
I dare say that after viewing this film the Dindus in Harm City, and all across Dindustan, will be in a self-righteous lather and will likewise seek bloody revenge for the injustices inflicted on blacks 185 years ago. They will re-energize The Purge in Harm City. I also dare to say that the HC Dindu righteous avengers will not deign to leave poor whites in peace as Nat Turner did.
So watch your Six James. We’ll pray for you.
“And one who attacketh you, attack him in like manner as he attacked you.”
Qu’ran 2:194
“Prepare for war! Rouse the warriors! Let all the fighting men draw near and attack. Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. Let the weakling say, “I am strong!”
-Joel 3:9-10 (NIV)
Jeremy, your cynicism is a breath of fresh air! I love this stuff. Thank you so much.
Jeremy, are we not living in a setting that feels like an over-plotted video game-based movie? I mean, the knife thing, and bringing in all of these knife culture people, black even starting to favor the knife. It reminds me of the episode of Star Trek when the energy-strife alien trapped Klingons and Enterprise crew members on the same ship and left swords laying round so he would have a good show!
I will talk to paladin about bringing The Logic of Steel back into print.
Note how the Nat Turner Rebels [I would have done what he did if in his shoes, or at least hope I would have the moral courage to] did not attack the poor whites and regarded them as being at their own bottom rung on the social ladder. Think about that, that our modern, government subsidies hoodlums, will attack anyone, simply based on their color, yet Nat “The Butcher” Turner selected white victims based on class. And, since this is being encouraged by the upper class white elites, I am not surprised that predominantly poor and working whites are being targeted. I am honored to be in the Dindustani crosshairs.
As for my six o’clock, my back just locked up and I can’t see it, so I do a 360 turn every half a block. The neighbors probably think I’ve got dementia…
Twerps, Goons and Meatshields: The Basics of Full Contact Stick-Fighting
The Flying Monkey Army #2
guest authors
The Dindu Flu
into leviathan’s maw
uncle satan
book of nightmares
the combat space
barbarism versus civilization
graphomaniac archive #1
shrouds of arуas
Jeremy Bentham     Oct 7, 2016

Indeed James. Paladin Press ought to bring "The Logic of Steel" back into print. I have a digital copy of it, but being of a prepper mindset I would like to have a hardcopy backup as well. You never know...
Sam J.     Oct 7, 2016

"...At 42.4 million, there are now more immigrants, legal and illegal, in America than ever before..."

This number is way off. I read the IRS once tracked how many false SSN's were used and it was over 30 million. I bet there's 40 million illegals in the US. If it was 40 million it wouldn't surprise me.
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