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Pastor Manning
The Man that Has Come Closest to Making a Christian Convert Out of Me
© 2016 James LaFond
I watched this video yesterday on Mescaline Franklin’s recommendation for comedic relief and almost found Jesus. If it wasn’t for the fact that I have been charged with assuring that the most beautiful women in Baltimore [this is not a large scale endeavor] are being defiled by the hand of Odin, in his ingenious disguise as this teetering bonerack, I would be a Christian right now. But I am under contract and the Old Boy’s ravens are everywhere!
Jeremy, there was a near miss for your team right there, almost got me onboard.
Sean, I realize that your denomination sees it differently and would take news of my conversion as a true sign of the pending Apocalypse, so, whew!
Mom, I still think the Stations of the Cross are profoundly illustrative of the human condition, but you’re the only mother I need and besides, Odin has winged babes in breast armor to pluck me from beneath that pile of Dindu dead…
I any case, my Christian friends, below is the dude that almost brought me into the fold.
Reverent Chandler: The Saga of Fend
video reviews
‘The Two Fencing Masters’
the lesser angels of our nature
sons of aryаs
the greatest lie ever sold
honor among men
plantation america
dark, distant futures
Jeremy Bentham     Oct 7, 2016

"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." - Galatians 5:1 (KJV)
guest     Oct 9, 2016

"A slave never looks at the truth."

He is certainly right about that one!
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