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‘As An Old Miner Once Said’
‘That Would Make a Bulldog Eat His Chain’: Caveman Commentary on Feminine Beauty Standards
© 2016 James LaFond
The above title and subtitle are quotes from the reader that sent this video link.
I am discussing the beauty standard exemplified by the woman in this video posting.
The woman seems to be in one of the many beauty/fitness pageants common to South America, where there is a Caucasian beauty standard that is essentially a Corinthian-Spartan crosshatch which is shared in Eastern Europe to a less complete degree with the end result being the living embodiment of the classic Frank Frazzetta Conan babe: dark-haired, Caucasian, small-breasted, small wasted and athletically hipped—essentially a stripped down belly dancer physique, a female that could actually survive non-surgical child birth and produce a child, live to nurse the kid, haul buckets of water up from the stream while you repaired your weaponry and your boys and dogs kept watch for the enemy, etc.
Really, if you put Uma Thermon and Angelina pregnant in a cave, with no medical care alongside the two chicks at the bottom of this page, the two that come out alive with living babies are not Uma and Angelina.
I find this standard interesting in comparison to the Western European American metropolitan standard, essentially an urban standard, which generally bleaches the hair to an artificial blonde, doubles the breast size [usually artificially], through surgery, keeps the same waist, and then lethally weakens the woman by shaving the hips in half, trimming the thighs [mostly muscle] by 40% and taking away the energy storage in the rear-end that would keep your primal child alive through the first winter as it was converted to breast milk. Belly dancing, traditionally, is an old world [not just Arabic], dance form common from Morocco to Southeast and Northeast Asia, that was essentially preparation for carrying and birthing a child, developing those muscles.
It might interest the reader to know that from the late 1930s through the early 50s actresses were being sewn into and cut out of their clothes [they were leaned up against a board for this], they were fitted so tight. One actress died at age 24 from kidney failure from keeping her weight down to this “pin-thin” standard. At this early stage we had not yet seen the reintroduction of the breast as a feminine component. The 1940s standard was a pretty boy in a dress with busty MayWest the counter culture working-class exception to the rule. Hollywood and Manhattan had their agenda, and even though most men of the time would prefer May West, they were force fed pin-thin in a sewn dress.
Many alternative right guys and most liberal white Americans, reject the image of this woman as a white imitation of an African American beauty standard, just because black guys like bigger butts. Hell, black guys like everything! If they’re in prison your pasty white butt will do! What most black dudes go nuts over is the mixed race girl who is rail thin, smaller hipped and larger breasted than this girl curvy Caucasian girl—a different, less athletic standard. They go for fat white girls because they are grabbing what Whitey discards.
Note, the beauty standard exemplified by this woman is closer—much closer—to the American Indian beauty standard, essentially a more athletic, wider hipped, Asian girl. She is, of course tall, height favoring anyone involved in pageantry.
What drove me to post this was the reaction to this video and more generally this beauty standard by different types of men. Much of this is cultural conditioning through the media, which means in the United States, that generations of gay, Jewish, Manhattan clothing designers, and cock-sucking Frenchmen, have convinced most white men that the thinner a woman is [although she is designed to be fatter than a man] the more desirable she is. If we look at the thick-thighed flapper girls of the 20s, before gay men took over fashion and gradually affected the transformation of the American beauty standard to that of a pretty blonde head on the body of a 14-year-old malnourished boy [just what faɡɡots like] and then added silicon breasts to make it look like a woman, to such films as King Kong, we see a smaller, less athletic, version of the girl in this pageant, essentially the old western European/American standard, less athletic than the Eastern European Latino standard. In rural America these have been thicker, stronger and more likely blonde by a slim margin, which brings us to what traditional men, as opposed to urbanized men, like.
Essentially the question comes down to guys who demand slim hips and thin thighs and those who like full hips and thick thighs. In general, the guys who like thick also like medium, but those who like thin only like thin.
Of course, black guys like everything so their opinion doesn’t count. Sorry, Oliver.
Throughout my life and throughout the world today, I have noted that the men who are most interested in thin women with bleached hair and fake breasts, are upper middle class to wealthy white Americans and Western Europeans. These populations demonstrate negative population growth. Might the fact that the men are conditioned to prefer the least fertile looking women have some correlation? Indeed extreme fat loss by women demanded by this standard can make them infertile. In years gone by, if you wanted big tits on your woman you just got her pregnant. Now she goes to the surgeon. I realize that being conditioned through media since childhood has a strong effect on women’s beauty ideals about women as well. I have a good friend who fell in love with a woman who weighed 115. I did not find her attractive but she hit his target beauty height and weight. When she gained 15 pounds, and I finally thought she looked okay, he thought she was “fat and unattractive.” When she lost 10 pounds, again she was ugly in his eyes. It is difficult to buck our visual conditioning, especially when it is connected to our cocks.
Currently, America is in an obesity epidemic, yet many Alt Right guys seems to think that women are getting fat to attract black studs. No, they just end up with black guys because a black guy will typically have sex with anything and is used to gigantic-sized women, knows how to apply flour to check for the wet spot, etc…
I have had two men honestly tell me why they “must have” petite women. [I have enjoyed petite women and believe that there should be one in every harem.] These guys both told me, that since they were big wimps and couldn’t fight their way out of a paper bag, they needed a physically weak woman to make them feel powerful. This led both of them to obsess over tiny women and pass up some really cute 130 pounders. I tried to explain to them that after you insert your dick that even the big ones get weak, but they just didn’t buy it and remain alone, childless and miserable 30 years later.
On the big picture, on the macro stage, who likes thick thighs and wide hips on a woman?
Eastern European men and Latino men.
What is the one other thing that Latino men and Eastern European men have in common?
They beat the shit out of Dindus, black and Islamic.
On a small scale, in my own life, who are the Caucasian men who like the naturally healthy, highly breedable female body-type:
-MMA fighters
-Pigs [sorry, cops]
Do you see a correlation? Caucasian men who have bought into the gay-generated female beauty standard tend not to have children, tend not to be in physical contention with other men and tend to be on the endangered species list. The flip side of this trend is the young white women who now think body hair on a man is grotesque and that black guys are more handsome, largely because they are hairless, [ but also because they are preferred media icons] which is another way in which the media has engineered the denaturing of our society so that it may the more easily fall into oblivion. This is not about being too thick, but being too well conditioned. Once a woman is worked into shape in a dance or agricultural setting, you will see an extreme difference in her upper and lower body mass, which is the opposite of her opposite, the man, as it should be.
The Feral Irishman’s Ideal Girl
An Example of a Shorter Ideal
Below is also a link to a small venue performance by an astoundingly athletic Ukrainian woman. She is like a perpetual motion machine.
There are some tall thin belly dancers, with a varying width of hip. The ones without much hip tend to do floor dances in the Turkish style. Various cultures have different standards, with the Egyptians liking slightly fat, large-breasted dancers, the Lebanese having the closest to American taste in shape and stature, and most of the Eastern European dancers conforming to this short, thick-legged type–basically a short version of the Latino fitness queen above—exemplified below.
Alla Kushner
A more primitively functional example of the Irishman’s pick.
This chick could haul a lot of water up from the well.
Turn the music down on this one. You can follow the beat visually.
Apocalypse Down Under
the man cave
‘No Small Shame’
book of nightmares
the gods of boxing
songs of arуas
winter of a fighting life
under the god of things
broken dance
the sunset saga complete
Sam J.     Oct 7, 2016

You've done it now. You've given me an excuse to post the King of Exotica, Korla Pandit Turkish Dance.
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