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Jeremy Bentham on our “Clockwork Orange” World
© 2016 James LaFond
It’s like in “A Clockwork Orange” where the hooligans from Alex’s gang get jobs as policeman. When I first saw that movie in the theater back in ’72 I didn’t realize how prophetic that story was. Although all the villains in the dystopian movies of the ‘60’s and ‘70’s were white. Blacks and Latinos were, and still are, seen by the Liberal screen writers as being exclusively oppressed and victimized, rather than having any agency whatsoever in oppressing and victimizing others. Whereas today we have non-white criminals, activists and overseers oppressing whites, aided and abetted by the white Leftist elite. So in the event, our “Clockwork Orange” dystopian world is shaping up to be much like a cross between the Ottoman Empire’s multicultural, divide and conquer imperialism and an Edgar Rice Burroughs story with the “Sagoths” doing the biding of the “Mahars” to enslave humans. [The Pelucidar novels. The Mahars were reptiles that controlled people with their minds. The Sagoths were ape men, of course.]
DOJ: Criminal Background Checks, Citizenship Requirements Barriers to Police-Force Diversity
The Problem With Police?
Posted on October 7, 2016 by Anonymous Conservative
They don’t have enough criminals and non-citizens in their ranks:
The Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) released a comprehensive report Wednesday examining law enforcement hiring, recruitment, and retention policies with the aim of increasing diversity in police departments.
The report–“Advancing Diversity in Law Enforcement”–highlighted barriers to diversity within police departments, such as “the use of criminal background checks” which the researchers found “is likely to disproportionately impact racial minority applicants.”
The report also found that U.S. citizenship requirements “may prevent a considerable number of racial and ethnic minorities – many of whom have valuable foreign language skills – from being hired by law enforcement agencies.”
Criminals and foreigners – the people who are most likely to be amenable to oppressing the indigenous population on behalf of the leftist. Add in their obsession with importing Islamics from the very parts of the world filled with our enemies, and their desire to make each group of which they are a part subservient to a larger authority ruled over by outsiders with contrary interests, and suddenly the image begins to come into greater focus.
This is an instinctual urge in the leftist. It is so strong that Trump merely implying we should control who specifically enters the country is seen as a huge threat to their idea of what should be. I find it fascinating so many complex behaviors can arise merely through the lack of amygdala development. Even more amazing is that the behaviors it produces can be so completely nonsensical.
Liberalism is programmed treason as a competitive strategy
The Rabbit People are Comfortable with Predation
This explains much. Criminal predation is like the weather, isn’t it? You can’t do much about it except stay indoors when it’s bad.
War Drums: Forty Miles from The Big House
The Dindu Scout
harm city
broken dance
the fighting edge
the gods of boxing
graphomaniac archive #1
Sam J.     Oct 9, 2016

Criminal Background Checks, Citizenship Requirements Barriers to Police-Force Diversity

Groooaaaannn. I just don't get it. How can people be so thick?

Just to remind people if it were not for the North East we would not be in this shape. I'm not whining because my people lost the civil war. We lost. We sucked. I just want to clarify who has been in charge and who has fucked the country up. The South has never voted for any of this stupid shit. Never.

Our biggest mistake was after the war not forcing every one of the dindus North. We couldn't do it because we were occupied for 15 years or so but we should have tried harder. The North could have had more diversity. Maybe they would have then understood. Maybe not but it would be in their face.

Sometimes I just despair.
marko     Oct 9, 2016

oh we understand, sam. at least some of us do. i would like to send all we have back to you all. they have ruined all our big cities. every one. lbj did a number on this country with his "war" on poverty. man enslaved the whole underclass of this country to the will of the gubmint.

would actually prefer to send them out this country but...who would take them?
Mesc Franklin     Oct 10, 2016

One meme I keep pushing with people my age is this:

Remember reading 1984, A Clockwork Orange, Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451 in high school? Did you read Atlas Shrugged later?

You are now living in a slow motion fusion of ALL of those books for real!..with The Camp of The Saints and Night of The Living Dead added to the mix.

Remember imaging how horrible it would be to live in those

fictional worlds? Now you don't have to imagine.
Jeremy Bentham     Oct 12, 2016

Gosh, Mescaline is right! We're living the Dream! We are, each and every one of us now, the hero in our own personal action-adventure-Sci-fi story. Our very own The Truman Show meets Mad Max and The Wire. Coming Soon..."Dindus at the Earth's Core"...based on a true story...
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