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Red Deer Cave
Nine Other Extinct forms of Human and Palaeogenomics
© 2016 James LaFond
The entire edifice of human lineage must be so much more complex than our brain scrubbers have been insisting. This first brief video raises enough questions to make that apparent.
Just after 9 minutes is the most intriguing find. Myths abound around the world, from culture to culture, about ape men and little people, and the Red Deer Cave excavation is my pick for most likely proof that these are ancient folk memories left over from a time when more than one type of human walked the earth, a time not so distant as we are told.
In the second video is one of the numerous discussions on Neanderthals. The thing that bothers me about all presentations on Neanderthals I have seen is that it is assumed that their larger brains did not equate to any mental advantage, even though they lived longest in the harshest conditions that man has known. At 20-minutes this speaker actually gets into evidence of Neanderthal spiritual traditions before modern humans follow with art that might be based on Neanderthal practice [This is my interpretation]. The earliest funeral evidence is of Neanderthals. I have recently spoken to a man who has read in depth on studies of autism that demonstrate that current world populations who do not have Neanderthal DNA do not have verifiable cases of autism.
At 32:00 the professor delicately drops the bomb that all people descended from the non-African population have Neanderthal DNA.
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Sam J.     Oct 9, 2016

I haven't watched the videos yet but will. Before I do I'll add my thoughts. At one time Neanderthals were considered dumb brutes. Now there is a serious push to have them seen as kindly smart people that the evil Cro-Mags killed off. I don't believe that. There's a guy called Tex Arcane who writes the Vault-Co. He has greatly pushed the evil Cro-Mag.I used to somewhat believe this but have lately changed my mind because of certain facts.

1. Neanderthals lived for 250,000 years or so in Europe and did...nothing. People say otherwise but I don't believe them.

2. There's no mtDNA, comes from Mothers, that is Neanderthal. This means the DNA from Neanderthals likely comes from Neanderthals raping Cro-Mag girls.

3.Michael Bradley’s books “The Iceman Inheritance” and “Chosen People From the Caucasus and "The Cronos Complex”.

Bradley says that the Jews may be lying, as they do constantly, by omission. They say the "percentage" of DNA from Neanderthals is 5% in non African humans but what if in Jews it was 50% and much less in Europeans and Chinese?

3. The Jews look like Neanderthals. Big time. Short legs, slanted front skulls, hairy...who you going to believe, you're eyes or the Jews?

I think the Neanderthals were a tribe of psychopaths. This made it difficult for them to ever build much of anything no matter how smart they were. You must have empathy so that you can see yourself cooperating with others being in your interest. Cro-Mags came from Atlantis at the end of the Ice Age. (I really don't know where they came from but they seem to pop up on the coast of Europe suddenly and Atlantis is the closest place). The Neanderthals attacked them and the Cro-Mags fought back pushing them into more mountainous territory. The Neanderthals have been attacking us every since in revenge.

You want to understand the Jews read this chapter about a psychopath named Stanley. If you read this you will understand more about the Jews than 99% of all people on Earth.
James     Oct 10, 2016

We have more questions than answers with this subject, which makes it fascinating and equally hard for me to pick a theory and side with it. I do think that there is some importance to the fact that those populations with no N-DNA or hyper-violent, does count for something.
Sam J.     Oct 9, 2016

After looking at the second video my theory is wrong. I still stay with the Neanderthal psychopath theory.
Koanic     Oct 10, 2016

You are a grandfather of our Neanderthal movement, and responsible for one of the intellectual pillars of the unified theory of GNON and biological life that I am currently writing.

A small correction - Asperger's, not autism, is extremely rare and/or non-existent in sub-Saharan negro populations, thus suggesting a connection with Neanderthal DNA.
James     Oct 10, 2016

Thanks for the correction and the inclusion, Koanic.

I would be very interested in reading your GNON book.
Koanic     Oct 10, 2016

Sam J., you will be pleased to hear that the next iteration of "Neanderthal" theory transcends the difficulties you describe, by leaving behind the foolish positions you describe accurately or mischaracterize. LaFond is correct that among the options as you present them, there isn't a good choice.

It is sort of like the choice between Republicans and Democrats - a false one. Those who cry bullshit from one side or the other are really pointing towards a higher truth they have yet to even realize can exist.

LaFond's observation regarding the clear disparity in violence across the Neanderthal DNA divide is apt. I would add that native Australoid populations stretching up the island chain towards Asia are heavily Denisovan, a Neanderthal competitor, and incontinently ultraviolent in ways similar to non-Neanderthal sub-Saharan Africans. This fact is a solid island in what is otherwise a chaos marsh.

Reality is stranger than fiction, and requires more invention to describe.
Sam J.     Oct 12, 2016

I fully admit some of my positions may be foolish but I don't have a lot to work with and the info we do have seems to be biased. It's even hard to say it's biased for sure.

I do stick with the Jews being heavily Neanderthal. I think this makes sense and will eventually be shown in the scientific record if we can get the Jews away from the information and their constant lies. The way people look, their morphology, is heavily genetic. That the Jews look exactly like Neanderthals and come from areas known to be heavily peopled by the Neanderthals I find hardly an accident.

I'm not really buying the standard Cro-Mag was an African who worked his way up from Africa business. I admit I don't know exactly where Cro-Mag came from but he does sort of just pop up and take over very fast. There's something off about this. The explosion of creativity, building and large scale corroborative building by Cro-Mags can not be denied.

My saying that Cro-Mags and Whites came from the mid-Atlantic ridge or Atlantis is from very, very simple information. Following along the idea that people came from where they were the only part left of Atlantis in the mid-Atlantic ridge was the Canary Islands. When people got there who was there? White people. Guanches. Cro-Mags. That was what the natives were. They were said to have come from Africa and to be Berbers. Well they could have just as easily lived on the mid-Atlantic ridge and moved to Africa far in the past.

Tex says we were engineered. Hmm...I'll have to have much more data to believe that although I don't rule it out.
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