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Baltimore County Educators Insist Athletes Focus on Academics
© 2016 James LaFond
On September 20, 2016, it was reported by WJZ-TV, Baltimore that Baltimore County educators are getting serious about scholar athletes.
Briefly, High Schools prepare football players and Dindu Jumpers for college athletics. Over 90% of these athletes never play pro ball, yet contribute to large alumni endowments to the University. The Dindu then graduates with some meaningless or devalued degree, and ends up working with me in a ghetto supermarket or otherwise languishing at the bottom of the economy.
The news segment hilariously showed athletes playing ball almost the entire time. I don’t recall studious Dindus crunching numbers or reading Shakespeare.
The standard for maintaining participation in an athletic program has been increased to a 2.0.
Now, my son graduated with, I think a 3.97, which I was given to understand is almost perfect. But, recalling my single A [health, I think] and my single B, before dropping out of high school on my 16th birthday, I’m not exactly sure how bad a 2.0 is, and thought perhaps, we could take a eugenic approach to it and our genius readers could educate me.
If you were dating a very attractive college graduate, what GPA would she require for you to engage her in the following manner?
-Conjugal relations without conversation [the old, “Here, bight my hand because you sound like such a dumb bitch,” micro-date]
-Sex and conversation—and out the door you go.
-Spending the night, but putting shoe leather to sidewalk at dawn.
-Full-blown sleep-over, repeat, macro-dating.
-Putting a baby in it!
This uneducated mind is counting on you to bring me up to speed on the eugenic value of the GPA.
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J     Oct 9, 2016

I'd say that to ask the question is to answer it. I'm interested in the crazy opinions that I assume are out there.
B     Oct 9, 2016

GPA doesn't correspond to the ability to confuse and intrigue a woman with unpredictability, which is what corresponds to that ladder of relations you sketched out.
James     Oct 10, 2016

My darling Jewess picked up on that right away. That extra 15-points of IQ makes it tough to apply my Trickonomotry.
Sam J.     Oct 9, 2016





"...If you were dating a very attractive college graduate, what GPA would she require for you to engage her in the following manner?

-Conjugal relations without conversation [the old, “Here, bight my hand because you sound like such a dumb bitch,” micro-date]

-Sex and conversation—and out the door you go.

-Spending the night, but putting shoe leather to sidewalk at dawn.

-Full-blown sleep-over, repeat, macro-dating.

-Putting a baby in it!..."

Baltimore you just kidnap her and rape her. GPA not relevant!
WellRead Ed     Oct 9, 2016

2.0??? You get a 2.0 for showing up and staying awake.
James     Oct 10, 2016

Oh, so that's why I failed. I thought you just had to show up!
Mark Miller     Oct 10, 2016

GPA is a good proxy and since I pretty was only ever interested in e) "Putting a baby in it!" I would say all my candidates were 4.0 whether or not they actually had the paperwork to show it.

The fact is, even a 4.0 is a low cut-off with no standardization, i.e. are we talking about a 4.0 from Caltech or Dindu U (and there are a lot more Dindu U's than Caltechs)?

OT: you're just a hop skip jump from DC. Are you going to that NPI conference? I thought it could be fun. I'm sure you'll think they're all pussies, but they're doing useful work and taking a bullet for the team. Guys like Richard Spencer have basically made themselves unemployable with their very public positions on race. The least I feel I should do is attend a pep rally.
James     Oct 10, 2016


Thanks for this.

I don't even know what NPI is, some alt right gathering, it sounds like.

The only reason why I know who these people are is readers sending me links. I never go crawling online unless it's history or nature documentaries.

As for travelling, I just got my teeth cleaned, so that blows my spending money for the next three months.

Thanks for the suggestion though.
Lynn     Oct 10, 2016

I thought it was charming of you to stipulate an IQ minimum for breeding with the Bum Bum ladies but I am starting to think you are really serious.
Samuel Adams     Oct 11, 2016

Always applied a intelligence/physical matrix. By physical, don't mean big 'ol hooters, but what sort of kids you end up with. So went for the decent GPA + full ride athlete at a Div 1 school. It worked out. Ended up with four kids, all high IQ, two high caliber athletes at top colleges, two younger ones tracking the same. Hate to say it, but really not much different from how my relatives bred livestock.
Jeremy Bentham     Oct 12, 2016

Just making an educated guess here, but it appears to me that Baltimore County educators have resigned themselves to the fact that the Dindu academic achievement gap is as immovable as the Rock of Gibraltar. There is simply no way to turn Dindus into even C+ (75%/2.5) or better students on any kind of objective grading standard. They will always underperform whites and Orientals in the aggregate by 15 points or more. Thus the Harm County education officials are keeping the young Dindu high school students busy training at the various scholastic sports that both attract public attention and that Dindus typically excel at (sports that feature sprinting and jumping and/or favor players with exceptional height and weight). All the while merely pretending to place any emphasis at all on academics. The only way to ensure these young Dindus land good paying middle class jobs following graduation is to keep expanding government bureaucracy while continuing to pursue "affirmative action" racial preference hiring practices for these government jobs ad infinitum. Expanding both the NBA and NFL by a thousand new teams wouldn't hurt either. Pass a federal law requiring every city with a population of 200K and over to host one major league professional football and basket team each. Force Mexico and Canada do the same as part of a trade agreement.
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