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Aggression at the Register in Dindustan
© 2016 James LaFond
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McDonald's 1619 Joppa rd
from Ridgeleigh • 2d ago
Please pay close attention next time you go there. We pulled money out of the ATM and went there for food. The girl at the window took my money then the manager came back and told me it was fake. "The money pen left a big black mark on it," is what the manager said. This is true. Yellow if good and black like a sharpie if it is bad. Having a background in retail and use the money pen often, I asked to see it. He said he didn't have time for that. So my wife asked him again. He said its company policy not to give it back or show it, so I started out the door to call the police and he brings the $20 and gives it to my wife. And what do you know. No black mark. No yellow. No nothing. He stapled a paper to it with counterfeit written on it. He was trying to steal my money!! Just wonder how many people he had who don't do this too, and let him get away with it.
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