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Coloring the Meat Chute of Souls
Slumming with Ulric: ‘Why Settle All of These Dindus Next to Your Cultural Centers?’
© 2016 James LaFond
As the Tesla crept silently through rain-slick streets, Ulric was shocked at the proximity of densely infested Dindu hives within one to five blocks of Baltimore’s finest attractions. The fact that John Hopkins Hospital, with its Bloomberg Building and Sheikh Siyad [I may have spelled this towel-head’s name wrong] Tower, is literally an island in a sea of crime, astonished him.
He continued, “I have made assessments. But what does your wisdom suggest?”
After being declared wise I utterly failed to impart my thoughts in spoken words, which is normal for me.
This is a question as old as Western Civilization.
Why have the ruling elite fawned over the mob since Athens and the Roman Republic?
It was as old as Egypt, where the white elite used black Sudanese slaves to enforce tax codes and taboos via beatings, torture and execution by impalement.
The expressions of this impulse of the ruling elite to hold the lowest classes close is as old as the Hellenic practice of “parasitism.” Tyrants made certain to surround themselves with athletes of the criminal sort, bruisers who were connected with criminal syndicates, like Timocreon. These men, often boxers, MMA fighters, or wrestlers, like the brute who strangled Commodus in his bath, were known as parasites and reviled by comics and philosophers alike.
The Roman emperors and their republican ancestors, such as Julius Caesar, cultivated the urban “mob,” as bully constituents, as a check on the traditional hierarchies they had superseded. This was only a small portion of their tyrannical strategy, with private military contractors [Germans, Sarmatians, Huns and ultimately Varangians] protecting their persons and the Praetorians and legions representing two other aspects of their rule by division, an internal dike method.
In medieval Europe this urge of the elite to connect with the base of the human pyramid expressed itself in terms of brutal common law and charity [such as making argumentative commoners fight each other for the lord’s entertainment with pick axes!]. Charity was an important aspect of elite psychology in the Christian context. Nothing must be done to improve the condition of the poor, or the low, otherwise the lady of the keep might not have the opportunity to pave her way to heaven with charitable handouts at the gate. Our welfare system is no different, simply a cruel charity meant to keep the low on the bottom, where they might be a danger, a counter, to the productive, to the able, to the ambitious, from the middle strata of society.
Consider today’s elite, how they speak in private. The fact is that the two scumbags running for president as I write both swear like sailors when not in the public eye. The elite have the same vulgar tastes as the low. I have just viewed a video of our current president speaking publically about vulgar sex. The high and the low have in common the same, shared, degenerate morality.
The ruling class vests the criminal class with a heroic spirit. This is nothing new and goes both ways. The willfully low, the un-redemptive, undisciplined and perpetually poor, criminal caste, alternately envy, hate and worship the elite. They do not want to stop off in the middle of the social strata where work, skill and discipline are required. They want to live the life of the elite, which is criminality writ large.
There are many facets to the addiction of the elite to their mob:
The elite desire a check on the power of the able, disciplined, moral segment of society.
The elite desire a reliable—ever present—target for their false good will and largesse—the giving of other people’s goods to those who produce nothing.
In a collectivist, or Christian society, the mob becomes far more important than in an intact tribal society, as the productive, taxable, extortable classes—whose women and children are the hostages of the State, which guarantees their safety as the productive class toil—may be afflicted with guilt by the elite on behalf of the unproductive, and actually agree that they should be oppressed from above for the good of those who prey upon them from below.
In our current society, an intractably poor, criminal class, tagged with the martyr cross, is an asset that is being contested over by municipalities, who dearly want them as taxation vectors, and also as a threat to keep their slaves in line. Just as the U.S. military bombed a thousand-person funeral procession in an allied country in order to generate hatred of the U.S., so that Islamists will multiply and seek entry to the U.S. to exact vengeance, the threat of indigenous terror by the intractably, morally impoverished, abused and spoiled step-children of our sick society are an asset, an adjunct of elite power.
The final part of this soupy puzzle is the fact that municipal administrations—among elected and civil servants—are heavily weighted toward mixed race individuals. Traditionally, under colonial plantation systems the mixed race result of slave-rape were cultivate as an administrative adjunct. The persistence of mսlatto and Quadroon rule over black Haiti, long after these castes were supposedly exterminated according to white conservative fantasies, drives this point home. In the 1930s the U.S. was sending white marines to defend brown rulers from their black subjects. The last two mayors of Baltimore, as well as the mayor-elect and the infamous state’s attorney, have been of mixed-race. Thanks to the “one drop” tradition in America, these people may identify as black and serve as a perfect front for the white elite who pull their puppet strings. Note how light-skinned the current U.S. President and his former Attorney General—who orchestrated the unrest in Missouri and Baltimore—are and how their actions have served the entirely Caucasian cabal of international bankers whom they serve.
There are too many dynamics to this entire complex to make it understandable to people wedded to the “one drop race rule” or the fantasy that the State exists to serve rather than exploit the people. Perhaps, one could simplify this to white guilt and black vengeance so that it makes sense to the witless and deluded victims of the process.
The fact is, the elite like to keep the mob close, as pets, as a threat to those who might possess the industry to topple them. But, in the end, it may be that the elite and the mob make such fitting bedfellows because they are both parasitic in nature and criminal in function.
Under the God of Things
‘This Giant Gaping Vagina’
the man cave
‘Future Self’
let the world fend for itself
uncle satan
menthol rampage
songs of arуas
z-pill forever
within leviathan’s craw
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