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Harm City Hoodrats Flagging
The Home Team is Only Hitting 240 in the Second Week of the Post Season
© 2016 James LaFond
Should I call in Justin W.R. justice, to find out how the harm City Hoodrats could redeem themselves—perhaps he has recruited some heavy hitters from Dindu U, and there will be a redemptive next season.
Or, might the killing in Baltimore be so far behind last year for another reason.
In fact, the other reason has been stated by the police and the media, with both criminal fraternities intentionally neglecting to connect the dots.
There has been more shooting than last year and far less killings.
Mob beatings and robberies of all races, by black men and youth, have increased more than ten-fold in the areas that I frequent, even as these youth elect to rob whites rather than sling dope on the corners, which makes sense as it is more profitable and less dangerous.
I knew that going in when I saw the low murder stats. What I didn’t know was what J-Bar told me last night about his business. J-Bar is an on call, advisor for the application of muscle in drug-gang disputes across eastern Baltimore County and into East Baltimore. This is what he said:
“Remember da sit-down scene between da Families in da Godfather? Da shit about “we don’t move drugs because it brings too much heat.” Den da drugs are voted in en da Godfather is in da crosshairs. That’s da way it’s always been with fuckin’ up you’ll. Don’t pop da white boy ‘cause the poleese will invest in that shit. Right? Yo, dat shit is gone. It’s open season on white boys—da mayor said so. So far as the corna killin’s go, there is a agreement, shoot to the legs. Now, da BGF ain’t playin’ dat en dey rollin’ up in da joint in recad numbers. Da beauty ‘bout bankin’ whites is yo don’ have ta kill them! There go the heat.
“Keep it tight, ma man.”
J-Bar has been a friend of mine for years. He doesn’t do drugs. He doesn’t sell drugs. He just “takes care of people” who steal drugs and hurt the drug dealers he protects. I like J-Bar. He’s a better man than most cops I’ve met.
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B     Oct 12, 2016

I would have guessed that emergency rooms record shootings, but the police record murders. No body, no murder. And if the police stop policing and patrolling, they'll stop finding bodies.

I didn't get the connection between corner killings/BGF/banking whitey.

How the hell does someone end up with J-Bar's job? What kind of degree do you need for that? Is there a certificate program or a union apprenticeship track?
James     Oct 12, 2016

His cousin sells dope and J-bar is the baddest dude he knows, so basically coaches his cousin's muscle as he is officially "out of the game."

Okay, the BGF and others are seriously executing people.

However, many of these people have decided to shoot the legs as a courtesy? This is not shooters shooting shooters, but shooters shooting corner boys. It's a way to keep pressure off the cops to come after you, because the people that rule the cops only care about bodies.

The shooting numbers are mostly misses, just sound traces picked up by listening devices. We have had recent shootings where the wounded outnumber the slain by Chicago-like numbers, like 8-1.

The younger kids who work the corners have been listing to BLM speakers to stop shooting each other and start attacking whites. It is obvious even to the cops. This began with the riots. These kids didn't go into dope, but went into mugging. It also makes survival sense. With the corner boys making $10 an hour at most and getting shot for their trouble, why not beat up scared white people instead, especially since cops are still focused on the drug war and ignoring citizen protection? This is more of a drug war than ever, with the cops picking sides and protecting drug gangs from some other drug gangs. they have 20 feds from at least 4 agencies in town looking into murder and planning drug raids. This is serious heat. but they have pulled beat cops, so why not hit whitey at the Mickey-Dees?

It is ridiculous and makes it's own kind of functional sense.
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