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‘His Bride’
Things to Come by J.T.C.
© 2016 James LaFond
I am now the proud owner of 68 individual evangelical Christian flip comics by J.T.C. the author-artist does go through some slumps. The last 2 pages are usually the same thing. So you are essentially looking at 20 pages, including the front cover and the back cover which is a shipping label. The interior pages are usually of two panels a piece netting up to 44 illustrated panels. In this issue, about a failing fortune teller, the artist is bored with the standard story line. When this happens he inserts an ornery cat into the subtext, getting into all kinds of trouble underfoot and in the background. This cat—being Catholic—is of course black, where usually he is a tabby.
The Cover art is of an old Italian woman looking into a crystal ball
Panels 1-3 show an irate customer with cancer who, Delores, the fortune teller predicted good things for.
#4 The daughter, with a black cat under arm complains that she will now have to get a job
#5-8 has these damned Catholics discussing a creep, who their priest warned them against, who can predict the future without a ball, tea leaves, etc.
#9-16 depicts Delores meeting with a non-denominational Christian witness, who begins talking about the end times.
#17, Faceless God on his heavenly thrown says, “It is time. Sound my trumpet.”
#18 white Jesus preaching
#19 mass graveyard resurrections
#20 humanity streaks heavenward to join in the rapture like upward schooling fish
#21-24 judgment day is described in very materialistic terms
#25-35, the rise of the “beast” under the cover of the Papacy in Rome, will usher the final battle
#36-41 In a section titled Payback Time! Delores finds out the Jesus will be coming back to kill and damn nonbelievers and begins thinking the man who was witnessing to her is nuts and then the world ends with a “Crash” and it’s too late, she is damned for eternity to wear those gaudy hooped earrings!
J.T.C. pulled this one out at the end, and even got in a midnight crucifixion scene on page 19.
On Bitches
‘The World’s God’
book reviews
‘When Life Grows Hateful’
the first boxers
on combat
thriving in bad places
within leviathan’s craw
the sunset saga complete
the greatest boxer
the year the world took the z-pill
songs of aryаs
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