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‘I Need the Community’
A Baltimore County Police Captain Asks for Citizen Help
© 2016 James LaFond
Message From Capt Landsman Re: Recent Crime
[Citizen name redacted] from Ridgeleigh • 15h ago
FYI - This is from a recent email from Capt Landsman:
Things have been busy recently. We have recently experienced 4 street robberies in the Ridgeleigh Community. It is not clear that all of the cases are related, but I am asking for your assistance in calling in suspicious behavior. Each case has involved at least two suspects described as African-American males between 16-25 . As I stated before, it is not clear if all of the cases are related. The most recent case occurred outside of the Yakona Liquors at around 2:30 pm, and the three suspects in that case appeared to be teenagers. They approached the victim outside the store, physically assaulted him and took his money. A handgun was displayed or implied in two of the cases that we believe are related and the other two involved physical assaults. The majority of the cases have occurred between Saturday and Monday between 8pm and 11pm. The most recent case occurred Wednesday afternoon at around 2:30 pm, when schools were closed. I am looking for information, and I need the community to assist us in solving these cases quickly. I know the COP groups are doing everything they can to get patrols out there. Our officers will be out there actively looking for these guys.
Edited 15h ago • Shared with Ridgeleigh in Crime & Safety
The Captain must realize that as the complexion of his precinct darkens, citizens will be increasingly unwilling to help. Black residents have already posted on this site complaining that too many of the suspects are described as black or African American!
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