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The Suburban Future
© 2016 James LaFond
The strip-mall lined primary street has been the core of suburban life since I was a boy. That will have to change and in the Baltimore area is currently being changed.
Eastern Avenue, Belair Road, Harford Road, York Road, Liberty Road, Riesterstown Road, Frederick Road, these are the arteries of commuting and commerce that spread Cultural Baltimore far beyond its municipal boundaries, first in the form of whites fleeing black crime and second in the form of blacks fleeing black crime and thirdly in the form of black criminals unleashed like the hounds of the apocalypse upon the heels of those they hunt.
During the initial Purge of April 2015, gangs of Reparations Recovery Agents who beat, robbed, looted, burned and killed their way across the City, met zero resistance from police, police who were all dedicated to defending a tiny political perimeter. When they hit the County line, there were only County cops waiting for them in Towson, at the County Seat. The rest of Baltimore County was left in the hands of criminals. Since that time, sprawling zip codes like Essex have received no police protection after dark. Parkville, has been abandoned to a lesser extent as it flanks Towson and the approaches to the Big House must be watched. Towson itself has become a hive of cop activity.
Development in Towson is now booming and police coverage on the long expanse of York Road, that stretched beyond Towson into the hinterlands of Whhitebreadistan, is not being increased, even as Dindu hordesmen are being bussed out to this reach and the children of the black middle class that once fled there are now forming recreational crime gangs and heading south into the City and less affluent areas of predominantly white Eastern Baltimore County to pillage.
What gives?
First, in the areas where they are making a stand, against the media and their criminal hordes, the Baltimore County Police have been conducting themselves well. I have watched numerous of their operations and arrests recently and have been speaking to County residents in those areas currently seeing the most activity. First, it is notable, that the criminals are not, by-and-large committing crime in their neighborhood. These are mostly West Baltimore Boys, the same guys that terrorize East Baltimore, striking out in planned anti-paleface raids and material-focused pillaging expeditions. So we are not faced with an internal, policing problem, but an external, paramilitary problem.
I am reminded of two Korean War Veterans, Marines, members of “The Chosen Few” who fought their way out of a wintery mountain range around the Chosen Reservoir, surrounded on all sides by Chinese troops, who were so poorly dressed that they were literally fighting to get American boots off of the feet that wore them. Mister Mallory specifically told me that what made the Marine situation so much better than the 8th Army situation, and leant to their success while the strung-out, road-bound army units were overrun, was that Marines fought in a perimeter, as a consequence of their amphibious assault training, while army units fought in “lines.”
I’ve only read three books on this war and do not have the necessary information or expertise to check Mister Mallory’s statement, however, the Roman Legions who conquered the empire operated from small perimeter forts and brought the world to its knees, while their successor’s operated from “lines” like Hadrian’s Wall, the Danube, the Rhine, etc., and failed miserably to hold what had been taken by perimeter-oriented formations. Looking at the adjustments made by the Baltimore County Police department, I see a similar adaptation on a perimeter model:
1. Sprawling precincts such as Essex, White Marsh and Parkville have been all but abandoned, with no deterrent patrolling, except where Parkville abuts Towson.
2. Police have been massing in strike teams, using 5 officers for simple arrests of individuals, conducting military-style drug raids with armored vehicles, 20-officers strong and gathering in full squad strength around commercial centers like Towson Town Mall.
3. Long stretches of commercial-lined primary streets are so difficult to patrol—and constitute a crime habitat familiar to the thugs bussed in from the city—that new development is focusing on building commercial islands instead of strips.
Just as the elite eventually hope to have the City gentrified at its core, surrounded by a sea of ghettos, as they reclaim the prime real estate that their pet criminals drove ethnic whites out of over the past 50 years, the suburban elite will increasingly gather in miniature commercial and residential perimeters. These perimeters are more defensible by the over-stretched police departments. More importantly, the dilemma of organizing private security for cooperative defense is better served by a perimeter, as private security firms will find it almost impossible to police long stretches of commercial real estate, backed by criminal housing. Such policing is difficult enough for the municipal authorities. Private contractors would face additional barriers to effective operation, especially where housing projects encroach within yards of the commercial strips they would be charged with defending.
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UlricKerensky     Oct 17, 2016

A perimeter is only defensible if you don't need the outside community, which defeats the whole point of putting in businesses in suburban environments. Where are they getting the money from for these new buildings?

In this piece, which "Big House" do you mean in Parkville, MD?
James     Oct 17, 2016

The owners of Towson Town Mall have just terminated the lease for trader Joe's and Bahama Breeze, both highly successful businesses and have sold that strip to a developer who is putting in high rise apartments. The Big House, is of course The Masters Plantation House, which would be the Towson Courthouse three blocks form these new apartments.

Of course, we are not talking about a gated enclave unless it gets even worse, much worse, and most vehicular traffic will still be safe. It is pedestrians and motorists in parking lots and garages who are being hit.
B     Oct 17, 2016

Recommend Luttwak's book on the Strategy of the Roman Empire, 1st-3rd centuries CE.

They did not fight based on lines.

They succeeded using client kingdoms as buffer zones and for economy of force, and using their forces as strike/interdiction forces.

They collapsed after hitting the natural limit of expansion of this strategy.
Solomon Krank     Oct 17, 2016

Perfect, no constables after dark, stalking dindus, spoor everywhere, what easy victims.
Sam J.     Oct 17, 2016

B,"...They collapsed after hitting the natural limit of expansion of this strategy."

I don't think this is true. They seemed to manage just fine while expanding. I think the reason Rome fell was poor leadership, plagues, lack of new booty to steal and most of all they ran out of Romans. Numerous Romans commented that Rome was completely filled with non-Romans. Non Romans would never have any internal motivation to defend Rome the Empire. The Empire was very much like what the US is moving into now. Lots of slaves driving wages to nothing. Poor societal mobility. In Rome it went so far as you being forced to carry on your fathers trade. Marriage fell so low they had to tax unmarried Men. When the barbarians came most Men said to themselves,"I'm not fighting for you bastards" and the whole thing fell in a heap.

I like Solomon Krank's attitude. The key is to have communication so that the hunters know where the Dindus and the cops are. At that point using a little drone tech they can be easily taken out.
James     Oct 18, 2016

The Roman pillage economy was doomed to eventual failure and the military structure I describe reflect that decline. The point I was making is simply that perimeter enclaves are more sustainable in a heterogenerous or declining society.

Feudal Europe was a continent-wide perimeter enclave strategy that was an adaptation to Roman Decline. .

The Zulu Kraal system was also a an enclave method of the aggressive Roman sort.

The Puritans in New England, instead of sprawling like 1950s America, built walled, self-contained plantations and survived their Indian wars intact. Meanwhile, the cavaliers in Virginia who sprawled along the river systems, got rolled up so badly by a much smaller Indian attack that they came to within 300 people of being rubbed out.

The point is, if your group of people get strung out and hostilities erupt, you are screwed, all of you.

B, if Isrаel stretched along the road net from Cairo to Damascus, instead of being an enclave, I don't think you'd have time to read this site, as the Sand Dindus would be hounding you every day.

Thanks, Sam, Ulric, B and Maureen for the input. I usually don't have time to answer comments anymore, but this article is important, because whether we agree or not that enclaving is good, it is here and in the future.
Maureen Martin     Oct 18, 2016

So if we had any money, the thing to do is buy property wherever dindus are rioting and wait for the gentrification to sell out?
James     Oct 18, 2016

They purge and riot to move us poor whites out. Then they follow us and the rich whites buy up the vacant property and there you go! This has been the way of things since the mid 60s in Baltimore and things are taking shape in a far less perfect way than if the process had been masterminded by one concern.

In broad terms it has worked and is working, with every gentrification house flip evidence, that America is not a homeland, but just a place to make money at the expense of working people.
Jeremy Bentham     Oct 18, 2016

Defense lines versus perimeters in the Korean War? Yes there is some truth to that observation. Although whether US units formed defense lines or defense perimeters in the Chosen Reservoir battles was really a matter of circumstances as much as doctrine. The mountainous terrain in North Korea severely compartmentalized the fighting. The fact is that the Army combat units under the command of the First Marine Division at Chosen fought in perimeters just like the Marine units. One Army unit, the 31st Regimental Combat Team (RCT) of the 7th Infantry Division fought a perimeter defense on the northeast side of the reservoir to keep the Chinese Communist Forces (CCF) from attacking south and blocking the main road to the coast thereby cutting off the Marines' "advance to the rear". For five days the 31st RCT fought off two full CCF divisions giving the 5th and 7th Marine Regiments time to form a perimeter defense at Hagaru-ri on the main highway near the southern end of the Chosen Reservoir and hold the door open for the First Marine Division withdrawal. The 31st RCT fighting an isolated perimeter defense against overwhelming numbers was ultimately annihilated. Out of 3200 soldiers in the 31st RCT 88% (2815) were KIA, WIA or MIA (most of the wounded ended up KIA or MIA). The regimental commander, COL Allan D. MacLean, was severely wounded, taken prisoner by the CCF and died in captivity. The RCT's subordinate battalion commanders died in the fighting as well.
B     Oct 18, 2016

Foamy-in the West, they hit the Atlantic. In the north, they reached places that were not worth conquering and holding. In the East, they went at it back and forth with the Parthians, trying to establish a defensible line on the high ground. In the South, they hit the Sahara. Shifting forces internally was a huge pain in the ass, especially to and from the East (3 months of marching or so.)

The problem with buffer client states is that inevitably you end up annexing them, and where does that leave your economy of force?

Every empire is bad for the core population, for reasons described at length by Ibn Khaldun. The ruling elite, once it gets into power, is inevitably incentivized to put daylight between itself and its source population, which on one hand is constantly making increasing claims on the elite and on the other hand is its biggest existential threat. The elite then has to rely on a foreign client class which is in turn entirely dependent on its patronage.

Communications lend themselves to COMINT, which then serves as incriminating evidence. Drones are susceptible to regulation, to electronic warfare and to the same kind of COMINT.

Using any of this shit is tantamount to opening your police folder and writing a bunch of testimony about yourself. Unless you want to go completely analog, but that in itself will draw attention and suspicion.

The way to go is small autonomous cells acting without any evident coordination, spontaneously. Don't overthink it-the Italians of New York and the Jews of Crown Heights have basically already laid out the blueprint.
B     Oct 18, 2016

>B, if Isrаel stretched along the road net from Cairo to Damascus, instead of being an enclave, I don't think you'd have time to read this site, as the Sand Dindus would be hounding you every day.

If Isrаel stretched out along that road (which was partially the case in 1948,) we'd push out security zones, move those who weren't willing to submit out and make it clear to those willing to submit that we were not fucking around.

Our Dindus have an intact family and tribal structure, and so don't do opportunistic predation without approval from above. There have been a few cases since they started knocking down stabbers' houses of their parents turning them in-nobody wants to lose their house. If it was up to me, I'd just expel the population of the terrorist's village, assuming I couldn't expel all of them (the highlands of Saudi Arabia have a pleasant climate, enough water, lots of room and a culture very close to theirs, for instance.)

Your Dindus have no family structure and have been entirely feralized. So I think the Mexican/Italian strategy is about right. Get your most disposable guys to commit opportunistic attacks on any Dindu yoofs in the area. Dindus aren't warriors, they won't stay and bang it out.
Shep     Oct 18, 2016

It would be reasonable to expect that building architecture and access control in these enclaves would be developed to maximize defensive potential. Commercial islands of the future may look quite different from the malls of today.
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