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‘That Knocking I Hear?’
Jeremy Bentham Documenting the Case of the Defenseless Race
© 2016 Jeremy Bentham
James, looks like folks in Sweden are desperately in need of practical stick fighting instruction… What’s that knocking I hear?
Swedes Snap Up Illegal Batons and Stun Guns for Self-Defense | 2016-10-11T12:05:00Z
Confiscations of batons have sky-rocketed, and so far this year 3,177 batons, as opposed by only 147 pieces in 2014, have been seized by Swedish Customs authorities. The majority of the confiscated spring batons and telescopic batons are of Chinese make, the Swedish Customs Agency reported…
[Read the entire article via this link.]
In other news from the former social-democratic paradise:
Today, it is estimated that three Swedish policemen quit each day, mostly citing low wages, excessive workload and job-related stress…
Copping Out: Sweden Relies on Private Guards to Counter Lack of Police ...
Increase in Hand Grenade use in Sweden. Increase in organized crime groups in Sweden. These migrant gangs are using hand grenades smuggled in from former Communist bloc countries in their turf wars.
Thriving in Bad Places
the combat space
The End
dark, distant futures
the combat space
by the wine dark sea
into leviathan’s maw
orphan nation
barbarism versus civilization
'in these goings down'
Maureen Martin     Oct 18, 2016

Hi James, hope you're well. I'm still working away in my little bubble. I wondered if you saw this? It wasn't widely reported.
James     Oct 18, 2016

I do have your feed subscription, Maureen, and see that you have been working very hard. I will check this link out. I'm very interested in the UK as I see it as 10-15 years ahead of the U.S. in the slide to cultural oblivion and eventual Islamic takeover.

I fortunately, will not live to see it.

Thanks for checking in.
Sam J.     Oct 18, 2016

Territorial aggression! White people defending themselves. Oh joy, joy. That link made me very happy. :) :) :)
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