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America's Sacral Music
Lee Wants to Know Why Hip Hop is Untouchable
© 2016 James LaFond
"If Trump's Vulgarity is such an issue, Why don't people Get Up In Arms about this rap music. Every young person I pass, black or white, is listening to music about bitches and hos. How can that be pro-woman? Why will no one discuss the moral filth assaulting our ears, yet this guy grabbing vagina and then backing off when he's spurned is somehow the apogee of evil."
-Lee Hoover
Lee, for whatever reason it has transpired, the sacred cow of American victimology—and America is currently a nation made of whole cloth guilt—are black teens and any arts or accomplishments of theirs are sacred, the foundations of our guilt-based morality.
Have you seen how many white men fairly worship NBA players as if they are Olympian Gods traversing the heavens? The NBA is entirely infused with the street thug ethos and whites love it.
A friend of mine told me that there is a porno site called "Hood Bang," and that white men send their wives to this filmmaker to have them sodomized on film by gangs of black men. So Hip Hop music is just the edge of the precipice—what yawns beneath is incredibly vile, rap "music" merely the crude music portal by which one enters Hell.
What follows is a recent example of everyday, even implicit, worship of African American thug life.
By the way, according to one survey I read, 95% of black girls entering college have been raped. There is also the fact that I never met a black woman who has not been raped by a black man and that I've overheard numerous black boys and youths—scores, by my estimate—over the years threaten to rape men and women. Black men have threatened to rape me. The cause of these things are beyond the scope of this article, although I place the blame with mercantilism...
S.J.'s Rape Prevention Class
A friend of mine, who is a long time karate instructor and who has always felt strongly that rape was a terrible offense and should be eradicated, gave a multi-session rape-prevention class, scheduled for 4 segments. Like I, Steve discovered from getting to know numerous women, that most of them had been raped or beaten by men.
The orientation session began with a decision-making discussion, intended to minimize exposure to potential rapists. He mentioned, during this period, that if a man listens to music that glorifies the slapping, rapping, and debasement or women, and in which women are referred to in degrading terms, than that man might be expected to internalize some of those values, values counter to the safety and integrity of a woman he might be alone with.
Two of the black students complained in writing that S.J. was a racist and dropped out of the class, heralding an early end to his attempt to help women retain their physical autonomy and dignity.
Lee, I am utterly convinced that American morality—as it stands, in politics, business and military affairs [such as bombing hundreds of innocents at a funeral in an allied nation in hopes of killing an associate of the assassinated party, and then sending another drone to take out the ambulance crews] are fully in accord with Hip Hop culture. The most appropriate thing to crown this landmark election would be, after the Ascension of the Gorgon Queen, for her to star in a pornographic rap video, twerking in body paint.
Lee, if you and my other readers love some former America, or perhaps some corner of it, like Summit County, Utah or Cody Wyoming, which yet remain above the filthy tide that engulfs us, I mean no disrespect, and hope that your America, past, present or imagined, somehow survives the America I find myself in.
Under the God of Things
The End
harm city
Deplorable Viktor
on the overton railroad
broken dance
‘in these goings down’
the gods of boxing
time & cosmos
masculine axis
under the god of things
Jeremy Bentham     Oct 17, 2016

"Many readers here will have noticed that what I say about Leftists sometimes sounds reminiscent of what Leftists say about conservatives. There is an excellent reason for that. Leftists are great "projectors" (people who see their own faults in others). So a good first step in finding out what is true of Leftists is to look at what they say about conservatives! They even accuse conservatives of projection (of course)." - John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.) Brisbane, Australia, Dissecting Leftism BlogSpot.

“In political conflicts, the goal is not to refute your opponent’s argument, but to wipe him from the face of the earth.” - Vladimir Lenin

“All counter-revolutionary wars are unjust, all revolutionary wars are just.”—Mao Zedong (1893-1976), Chinese statesman. From On Protracted War (1938).

“We shall support whatever the enemy opposes and oppose whatever the enemy supports.” - Mao ze Dong

“The fourth rule is: Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.” -Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals 1971, Tactics p. 128

"SJWs Always Lie." - Vox Day

Keep in mind that it has been the modus operandi of the Left for well over a century to accuse their opponents of doing the very things that they themselves do. There is no sense of fairness or objectively in the minds of Leftist. The Left seldom seeks to debate Conservatives on the issues rather, they seek to silence Conservatives by spreading lies about them and slandering their character. They get away with this because of the support they get from the news and entertainment media in promulgating the slander. The Democrats attack on Trump over the video tape of his vulgar comments on women is merely a tactic intended to try and separate him from his white bread, straight-laced conservative supporters. It’s the old Saul Alinsky tactic of hitting your enemy over the head with his own rule book. This works well on Conservatives since of course conservatives support Christianity, good manners, law and order and chastity. So the Left’s argument is how can you Conservatives believing what you say you believe support a foul mouthed lout like Donald Trump? Not that the Left really gives a fig about what was said, but only cares in so much has it gives them an opportunity to make the Republicans look like hypocrites for nominating a candidate who doesn’t live up to own self-stated rules of deportment. We all know that countless Democrats have said and done far worse than Trump ever has and it’s all on tape too. The slander is not working quite so well as in the past because Trump supporters know this tactic was in the Democrat’s play book. Plus the people who support Trump knew he was an asshole from the beginning. So they’re not taken back by this “October surprise” video showing Trump talking like an asshole. Instead they believe Trump is just the kind of asshole this country needs to secure the border, stop illegal immigration, renegotiate unfair trade deals, restore law and order to our streets and open up a can of industrial strength whup-ass on the PC Social justice warriors that are oppressing us all daily.
Sam J.     Oct 18, 2016

The simple answer to this question is...who owns the media? Who owns the record companies? Who owns the newspapers? Who owns the TV stations? Who owns the film studio's? Pointing this out is of course a great evil and surly I must be evil for saying such things but is it true that (((They))) own all these? Yes it is and while they push coarseness every chance they get it's liberation and long as it's not Trump.

The Jews are a tribe of psychopaths. Always remember that psychopaths are frequently considered the nicest people ever if you're not in their clutches or not their immediate target. That's why you can have such pleasant interactions with them. A Jew you've met may seem to you the greatest most caring person ever but you don't see how he interacts with a community as a whole. They are maters of deception.

You want to understand the Jews read this chapter about a psychopath named Stanley. If you read this you will understand more about the Jews than 99% of all people on Earth.
James     Oct 18, 2016

You're on fire, Sam!

B, he didn't say anything about you eating Arab children, so we're good.
B     Oct 18, 2016

He's not on fire. The foam works well as fire suppressant.
Sam J.     Oct 18, 2016

"...The foam works well as fire suppressant..."

The "facts" work well as a "Jew" suppressant.

You should like me. I'm a Zionist. I want all Jews to move Isrаel.
Mesc Franklin     Oct 19, 2016


Just kidding, its the Freemasons...
Jeremy Bentham     Oct 19, 2016

Yeah, the Freemasons! Looks like the Jihadists are after them too: Islamic Jihadists believe the Freemasons are in collusion with the Jews to take over the world and destroy everything that's good and wholesome. The Jihadists and their sympathizers in the Left apparently aim to beat them to it. So are the Masons really planning to take over the world? I don't know. I guess you'll have to join them to find out.
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