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Slaying the White Dragon
The Mythic Significance of Donald Trump—Win or Lose
© 2016 James LaFond
How can anyone look critically at the Trump candidacy and not see it as defined by a media crusade to slay Trump the monster?
If Western Society continues on its current path, there will come a day when we will be thought strange for ever permitting a man to serve as Chief Executive. Eventually the chief executive of a nation will require litmus tests that guarantee a lack of what 20th Century people traditionally regarded as strong leadership characteristics.
As a slave of this evil nation, I have no political ax to grind, do not for a second believe that the puppet masters of my national masters will ever let men of sound judgment have a hand in selecting our warden. I am writing this solely to finish answering a question that has often been asked of me during this most contentious presidential erection. What, do I, as a political outsider on the social underside, think of the choice between the lesser of two evils posed by Donald Trump and the Queen Apparent?
The Queen Apparent is not an important historical figure, as she is clearly a meat puppet dancing on globalist strings. Indeed, chief executives of her kind, ruthless, amoral functionaries of a system which exists for the sole sake of growing, will be the model chief executive so long as this sick system manages to grow. She is, to We the Cattle, the wielder of the bolt-gun. To replace her kind with another makes no difference to our progress up the Meat Chute of Souls.
Trump, win or lose, is a figure of great historical importance.
Trump represents what remains of the Whiteman, Whitey, the Man, the White Devil. He is an effigy, a mere blustering caricature of the political strong men and statesmen who once propelled his race to worldwide domination. Racial scapegoat, moral piñata, effigy of a once great race, to be ignited and burned by the media who once worshipped as the priests of the cult of his predecessors, Trump is a mythic beast that must be slain for American manhood to sink to its next level of domestication. Just as the primeval forests had to be felled to form the nation in the 1700s and the buffalo slain to enclose it as an industrial Eden in the 1800s, the image of Trump must be burned before the world, either through political defeat, or through a Liberal-Conservative-Media alliance to render him impotent while in office.
Some lesser aspects of his mythic status are:
-His crass character marks the very fault line along which the white American man has been divided and marginalized. The urban and the elite among white men are now allied with those who hate them for their heritage and biology rather than with working white men, who are hated by all.
-Although the current Chef Executive deftly and definitively divided America along racial lines as stark as Jim Crow—a situation I would liken to Tyrone Crow—future historians will paint Trump as the divisive figure. Just as George Washington’s actual character and deeds were heavily reworked into myth to reflect a useful foundation lie, the first non-Caucasian president will likewise by mythologized, with his negative effects assigned to the Trump candidacy. In the future it will be a severe affront to the Media, the Nation and even the People, for a non-apologetic white man to seek the highest office in the land. Trump will be invoked—Hitler-like—as an evil boogieman, to keep white men in their place.
-The Trump candidacy—and possible presidency—marks the utter death of what has never been more than a sham American Right. This nation has always been about making money before anything else. The fact that capitalism can only be imagined in the American mind as closely allied to cultural conservatism, indicates that the American mind was dropped on its head in infancy and is permanently retarded. Every state of this nation was founded on the destruction of traditional Amerindian, Caucasian and African cultures in service to economic development.
-Trump heralds the nadir of American masculinity, with what was once regarded as the blustering bravado of the womanly man of gossip—as verbose as a Negro rapper—now standing for selection as the last white man to rule the apex modern state without apology. Trump is no Gordon at Khartoum, awaiting the wooly-headed hordes, pistol in hand—not even a bull-rushing Custer at The Little Big Horn, or a dithering Chelmsford at Isandlwana—but a game player. Having Trump carrying the masculine flag into the emasculated night of the American Right, is like having Sylvester Stallone lead the last military action of a losing war. For instance, Trump has responded to the wholesale assault on his peaceful, middle-aged, white supports by Dindu tribesmen, not as a patriarch, a father, a protector, but as a whining woman.
The billionaire has not dipped into his pockets and hired private security firms of a high caliber—there are some very good ones who only hire former police and military men—to insure that his supporters will not be beaten at his rallies. [When you counter that he would be vilified for such an action, and he would, then you strengthen my point.] It is astonishing to me that White Nationalists have lionized this money-making machine as the last great hope against the invasion by invitation of their nation, when he has demonstrated a lack of protective instincts. It is, on this count, that I disagree with those on the Right that call Trump a liberal and those on the Left that call him a fascist. He is merely an American conservative, at least in so far as he does not understand aggression and only wants to conserve his wealth and privilege. American conservatives are bound by this one common thread: they do not understand aggression. The left, the liberals, typified by the Gorgon Queen, absolutely understand aggression.
-Trump does not seem to me a bad man—albeit crude—, possesses conviction, at least in the moment, which is beyond most of his kind, and certainly has personal courage to spare. Trump is just man enough to serve as the last proud scion of a once great race, a fitting scapegoat, who, like some Iroquois warrior taken captive in war, will spit at his torturers and hurl insults at the mob of women and children who consign him to the flames.
Mythically speaking, Trump represents the Whiteman, in the form of the dragon, symbolizing ruthlessness coupled with knowledge—unforgivably, willful, power—dressed in the skin that conquered the better part of the world with such ease that his masters must consign him to oblivion lest he turn on them.
In the Age of Guilt
The above certainly steps beyond what most readers will be willing to consider. Consider though, that Trump is anything but apologetic, and is running for president of a nation which recognizes no greater evil than an unapologetic white man. He’s not much of a white dragon, but he’s the one we have—with blustery breath of wrath at least—and so the great hunt is on, as the slave minds of a slave nation, who believe themselves to be free, cast envy-laced eyes on a man who refuses to mother them at his peril, forging argumentatively on into the night of his hated kind.
Under the God of Things
‘I Do A Lot of Losers’
the man cave
‘Body Punches’
logic of steel
honor among men
into leviathan’s maw
song of the secret gardener
the year the world took the z-pill
america the brutal
crag mouth
B     Oct 20, 2016

>If Western Society continues on its current path, there will come a day when we will be thought strange for ever permitting a man to serve as Chief Executive.

Trees do not grow to the stratosphere.

The current path has negative feedback loops built in, for instance as Cochran just mentioned (as though it were anything other than perfectly obvious,) the present idiot elites do not reproduce and thus will eliminate themselves. You'll notice Nurse Ratchet and her degenerate husband have one child, who may not even be his!
James     Oct 20, 2016

Breeding themselves out of existence is the least they can do for us.
Jeremy Bentham     Oct 20, 2016

“All my life I've wanted to lead a bunch of men in a desperate battle. Today, I get to do just that.”- George C. Scott as General George S. Patton Jr., “Patton” (1970)

James! It's a great time to be alive!
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