Looks like that last bastion of Anglo-Saxon Whiteness (think the Osmond’s, Julianne Hough, Steve Young, Orson Scott Card, Mitt Romney, et al) has decided it doesn’t have enough non-white, heathen aliens living in their midst. On the other hand, if these aliens are polygamists they ought to get along just fine there. LOL! The trouble with polygamy in a 21st Century social welfare state is that that most polygamist men quickly discover that they can’t support four wives and a dozen children on the median U.S. income of $51,939.00 (2013). Certainly not in the middle class American life style to which their wives are accustomed. So welfare fraud quickly becomes an attractive option for solving the polygamists’ cash flow problem. Now if privileged, white polygamist men in Utah are able to game the system sufficiently to get the tax payers to support their "wives” and children, imagine what oppressed non-white people will be able to accomplish! So more strain on the social safety net and more demands on the tax base are in the offing for the Beehive State.
So what’s up with this? Is Utah too “white” and too “Christian”? Have Mormon youth become weary of going on missions to foreign lands so the Church is bringing the heathen to be converted to Utah? Has the LDS fallen victim to “pathological altruism” syndrome? The Buddhists (real, Oriental Buddhists, not Western hipster Buddhists) refer to this as “idiot compassion”. Meaning that you are creating more suffering through your short-sighted and uninformed intervention than would occur if you just left things alone. Increased suffering is what happens when you dump all these refugees in small American communities and cut them loose after a year, which is what the resettlement agencies all do. Is this Leftist virtue signaling? Is the LDS being led by liberation theologists who believe that Leftist oriented good works will get them into heaven? Watch the TV show “The Good Place” once to see how these liberation theologists think: everybody in “heaven”, who deserves to be there, is there because they devoted their life to advancing Leftist social justice causes. “God” ain’t there.
Or is this just another sordid case of “follow the money”? Are they rationalizing being money-hungry and short-sighted, wrapping themselves in a cloak of Christian charity? Is the LDS trying to serve two masters"? "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” – Matthew 6:24 (NIV). We know that big business, like big meat big yogurt and various other agribusiness and manufacturing concerns, is supporting refugee resettlement to get cheap labor and Leftist activists in control of our government support it as a means to remake the political demography of the country, but what is the Mormon Church’s angle?
Now full disclosure here, being the jingoistic myrmidon and materialist that I am, I have nothing against money. Money is useful and necessary as a medium of exchange. Because of what it allows you to buy (like an independent life). More money means an easier life. A life more free of worry, toil and harassment, a life less humdrum, and to most of us that doesn’t suck. It’s also a lot harder to give money to charity if you don’t have any. Consequently I think about money all the time, how to make more, what to spend it on, how much to save, what I would do if I had much more of it than I do now. I am not much bothered by greed or self-interest. I find them to be much more reliable motivators than altruism and selflessness. You can count on people to be greedy and self-interested much more than you can count on them to be altruistic and self-less. Whenever people say to you “it’s not about the money”, you better believe it’s about the money! A society dependent on people being self-less and altruistic is doomed to failure as surely as any system dependent on people being non-aggressive. I have far greater faith in the ability of the impersonal forces of a free market to distribute resources fairly than I do in any committee of Marxist “experts” or bleeding heart “do-gooders”.
Nevertheless there are many things that are NOT worth the money. There many things that would be ruinously short-sighted if you pursued them for short-term monetary gain. And there many organizations that should NOT be allowed to become concerned about making more money , even for putative ”charitable works”( like “refugee “ resettlement”). Particularly since these good works too often end up becoming works of idiot compassion these days. Christian churches cannot perform corporal works of mercy without the money to pay for them so they need to solicit donations somehow. But these corporal works of mercy are ultimately futile without spiritual works of mercy, namely showing the unbelievers the way to eternal salvation through Jesus Christ. Of course telling Muslims about Jesus and attempting to convert them to Christianity is very Un-PC and therefore off the table, isn’t it? So what are these church based refugee resettlement groups doing but aiding and abetting a “Hijra”, a Muslim invasion of America.
Another example is that the police should be discouraged from making additional money, as it invariably would incentivize police to rob people and solicit bribes (as occurs regularly in Mexico and other third world countries). Even in America where the rule of law prevails (or did in most parts until recently) asset forfeiture laws have without a doubt incentivized law enforcement agencies to gratuitously seize property under the color of the “war on drugs”.
“Even tax collectors came to be baptized. “Teacher,” they asked, “what should we do?” “Don’t collect any more than you are required to,” he told them. Then some soldiers asked him, "And what should we do?" He replied, "Don't extort money and don't accuse people falsely—be content with your pay."- Luke 3:12-14 (NIV). John the Baptist told those the tax collectors and Judean soldiers of his time they should be fulfill their duties, not comport themselves like bullies and gangsters. As our government allows mass migration of third world migrants our territory it is invariably setting up America to become another hopelessly corrupt third world society (if we are not already) where few can be trusted to do their duty and act with impartiality.
Anyway we would be blissfully unaware of this treasonous infiltration of our society if that nice lady in Maryland, Ann Corcoran, was not diligently keeping track of it for us. Keep in mind that these refugees are NOT being brought here to live temporarily until the conflict in their homeland is ended. No-siree, it is fully intended that these refugees remain here and become American citizens (i.e. Democrat voters and staunch supporters of the big-government socialist welfare nanny state). These refugees and other migrants are being brought here to supplant middle and working class white Americans, conservatives, libertarians and independents alike, because white folks cannot be relied on to always vote Democrat. Besides you everyday middle and working lass white Americans just suck! You’re irredeemable. You are a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, gun-loving, prudish, uncool “basket of deplorables” who deserve to be demoralized, dispossessed and replaced. It’s President Obama’s and Queen Hillary’s plan to change America by changing the people.
-Jeremy Bentham
Mormon church is getting on the refugee resettlement bandwagon
Posted by Ann Corcoran on October 19, 2016
But, they aren’t a resettlement contractor (yet!).
Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah. We have money to give to refugees.
I previously told you about the Mormon donation to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, here. And, now here is more news (a puff piece) about contributions to the other eight contractors featuring Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service. I can only assume the Mormon church has run out of poor Americans to help as they are moving on to helping what is becoming a massive flow of needy Muslims from the Middle East and Africa entering the US.
When I read this story at Utah’s Deseret News, my first thought was to wonder if The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was actually ultimately angling to become a resettlement contractor in order to receive lucrative government grants.
The nine contractors*** working for the federal government have a monopoly on the program at the moment. Are the Mormons attempting to buy good will?
In order to break in to the club, to become a contractor, an organization must prove it has experience with the program. Is that what is happening here as we learn that the Mormons are being trained by LIRS in this case?
For new readers, the contractors are paid by the head to resettle the refugees and representatives of the nine meet in DC weekly to divvy-up the refugee cases coming in (they bid for bodies as one of our most astute observers quips). Do the Mormons want in?
Deseret News:
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah—A flash flood of Mormon volunteers was a spring surprise for Lutherans who run refugee resettlement organizations in 25 U.S. states.
Motivated by statements of church leaders encouraging them to help refugees, the influx of Mormons prompted resettlement centers of the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services to add volunteer training sessions in places like South Carolina, Colorado and Arizona.
LIRS CEO Hartke is chomping at the bit about this new batch of money coming in. LIRS is 95% funded by you—the taxpayer!
On Tuesday, the budding relationship expanded again, as LIRS leaders visited Salt Lake City and received a check for $130,000 from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The LDS Church also pledged an additional $520,000 in commodities such as food and mattresses. [I would really like to understand this mattress thing because there were mattresses involved somehow in the resettlement that happened in my MD county back in 2007!—ed]
“We’ve been chomping at the bit on building this relationship, which is evolving on two levels,” said Linda Hartke, president and CEO of LIRS. “On the local level, we’re seeing greater interest and more volunteers coming forward.
Tuesday’s donation was part of $5 million in cash and commodities the LDS Church has pledged to the nine U.S. refugee resettlement agencies, which operate over 300 affiliates helping newly arrived refugees settle into local communities.
In August, the church gave $2 million to the two resettlement agencies that work in Utah—$1.25 million to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Migration and Refugee Services and $750,000 to the International Rescue Committee.
On Monday, church officials will travel to the East Coast to give $2.35 million to the remaining six resettlement agencies.
Continue reading here.
If you are a Mormon and not thrilled with importing more unvetted Muslims from Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq and Burma (Esar Met!), you might want to start speaking up at church.
(Burmese Muslim refugee Esar Met got life in prison for raping and murdering a Christian Burmese refugee girl who lived in the same South Salt Lake refugee center; Utah residents get to pay for his upkeep for decades to come.)
These are the nine members of the federal resettlement contractor club. If the Mormons are trying to break in, I’m going to love reporting on the battle.
• Church World Service (CWS)
• Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC) (secular)
• Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM)
• Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
• International Rescue Committee (IRC) (secular)
• US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) (secular)
• Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS)
• United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
World Relief Corporation (WR)
Ishmael provided this related link.
Mormons love power and wealth as every red blooded capitalists do. the above mentioned live a life of leisure in gated communities, having earned it fair and square, like Mit the dip shit, as he is called in our area. I'm sure as they look down from their perch on high, we peasants can deal with their inspired visions.
The Mormons have more or less made a gunpoint bargain with USG going back 160 years (I believe that one of 3rd ACR's pennants is for the conquest of the Mormons.)
They also had a magical prophetic revelation about black people's equality in the 70s (until then there was very clear segregation and discrimination.)
The military intelligence and civilian intelligence/federal law enforcement agencies are full of Mormons. Squeaky clean, don't drink, many have additional languages. I served with many. Nice people, mostly, but the bad ones are really bad.
The flip side of the bargain was that they would be more or less left alone to do as they please in Utah. But I think that's now being flipped.
He who dines with the devil should use a long spoon, as the saying goes.
Listen to B, the bad ones are really bad, I have witnessed this.
Point taken B and Ishmael. Coincidently, in his recent analysis of why Mitt Romney sucks as a candidate, Vox Day summed up the problem other Christian white Americans have with the Mormons. voxday.blogspot.com/2016/10/gosh-lot-of-people-would-like-to-kick.html “The ironic thing is that Mormons may be the only portion of the electorate dumb enough to collectively a) reject racial identity politics while simultaneously b) practicing aggressive religious identity politics. You can get offended by my observation if you like, but you can hardly deny it. Taken as a political demographic, Mormons won't vote for white American interests, but they'll vote for a Mormon every single time.” Yeah that’s it, isn’t it? The Mormons always seem to be on their own side, pursuing some hidden agenda. An agenda that frequently devolves to the disadvantage of the very people who should be their natural friends and allies. In that regard the Mormons resemble the French, or some other people I could mention. LOL! This is also what makes the nasty Mormons seem even more odious to “gentiles” (non-Mormons). Because of the secretive behavior of the institutional LDS church one cannot help but get the impression these nasty Mormons are not simply individual jerks pursuing their own selfish goals, but active members of some malevolent cabal pursuing a collective organizational agenda. One that will invariably serve to harm the rest of society. A friend and colleague of mine was once given a tour of the inside of a Mormon church when he was being recruited for membership. He told me this local church had a video teleconference (VTC) room that would rival most major military headquarters. What’s up with that? Some of the things Mormons do, like stockpiling a year’s supply of food for the family, just make good sense. But setting up your church like a corporate boardroom or a military command post? That’s one of those things that makes you go…Hmmm. The whole history of the LDS gives one the impression they could break bad in a big way if they ever came to feel sufficiently threatened. And they clearly feel they do not have common cause with the rest of Christian white America. The Mormons always have these explanations and excuses for doing the things that they do that are supposed assuage other people’s suspicions, but they never do, do they? Consequently that is why so many conservatives I know did not bother to vote for Mitt in 2012. Not only did they think Mitt was too wishy-washy and uninspiring a candidate, they were also creeped out by the Mormon Church. Now the Mormons want to get in on the racket of importing more foreign troublemakers and unemployable parasites into the country. That’s not likely to make other white Americans less suspicious of them.