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Surviving in Dindustan
Jeremy Bentham’ is Your Post-Apocalyptic NewsSource
© 2016 James LaFond
Sure-Fire Carjacking Defense: Drive a Straight-Stick
Sometimes the old ways are best.
Bumbling Thief Aborts Carjacking After Realizing He Can't Drive Stick Shift
Dindu Shopping Spree
Teens Steal Over $13K In iPhones From Natick Apple Store In ‘Flash Mob’ Robbery
James, what are your thoughts on how to defeat and deter these kind of flash mob robberies? They are obviously going to become more frequent occurrences as our police become more impotent, our courts become more indifferent to crime committed by “oppressed” minorities and our society becomes more lawless as a consequence. More and more retail establishments will be targeted and will need to be on guard against such incursions.
-Jeremy Bentham
Teens Steal Over $13K In iPhones From Natick Apple Store In ‘Flash Mob’ Robbery
Jeremy, we must think byzantine—using the oppressed to fight the oppressed. I suggest buying gay, Islamic dogs who d not bite but otherwise molest the thieves, In this way, animal rights, gay rights and Islamic relief organizations can help with the civil suits launched by the mob members’ mothers. Also, dress the dogs in pink harness…
I’m serious, Jeremy, really serious.
Find Your Closest Fallout Shelter
Russia Tells Citizens Nuclear War with America is Imminent!
Wow! Did the Russians read something in all those hacked e-mails that scared the day-lights out of them?
Although given how feckless, fickle and irresolute the Obama Administration has been in its foreign affairs, it’s hard to imagine that the Russians would regard it as a serious military threat. For the past eight years America has been more of a danger to its allies than it has been to its enemies.
Now if Putin was a Republican and running for President in America I could see President Obama seriously wanting to go to war against Russia. Otherwise not.
James, I must say, being the jingoistic myrmidon that I am, I would be very conflicted if war broke out with Russia. Now the Russians are Christians, whereas my own government is being led by godless communists. The clear and present threat to my freedom resides in Washington D.C. now, not Moscow.
It will be fascinating to watch how this all plays out. We live in interesting times!
Nuclear war 'IMMINENT' as Russia tells citizens to find out where the closest bunkers are
NUCLEAR war could be imminent as Russia told its citizens to urgently prepare for a devastating radioactive conflict as relations with the West stoop to their lowest since the Cold War.
Patrick Christys | 2016-10-15T02:09:00Z
Jeremy, my bomb shelter is made out of plastic milk crates and a cardboard watermelon bin. Will there be a problem with that?
The Minsk Chainsaw Massacre
Woman Beheaded with Chainsaw at Shopping Mall
Another “lone wolf” jihadist? It does look like the work of your garden variety mentally ill Muslim migrant. It would appear we can expect these jihadist shopping mall attacks to be become commonplace. The "new normal”. They are happening world-wide, wherever young Muslims have been allowed to take up residence. Stay alert-stay alive!
A WOMAN is reported to have been beheaded after a teenager armed with a chainsaw went on the rampage at a shopping centre.
Tom Parfitt | 2016-10-10T03:10:00Z
Infiltrating the Arуan Redoubt
‘On a Fetid Tide’
sons of arуas
time & cosmos
barbarism versus civilization
your trojan whorse
under the god of things
the lesser angels of our nature
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