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The Narrowing
Dindu Verbiage, Criminal Interviews and other Interactions with Subhuman Kind
© 2016 James LaFond
“A question. If Dindus start asking you questions. Want money whatever. You say don't talk to them but that might just egg them on what's the best thing to say? I tell them I don't have any money.”
-Sam J.
Congratulations Sam. If you are approached by a black person who does not know you and has no business with you, who makes a demand and you respond because you fear that if you do otherwise he will be “egged on,” then you enjoy one of the two following positions:
1. You live in the bucolic Garden of Negro Eden, where courtesy is not adjudged a sign of weakness but of moral fortitude.
2. Or, you are a successful criminal defense lawyer, who is well-known among Dindu kind and known to represent their cause and are also one of the globalist 1% who rule the world!
Sam, I think of verbal situations as a tactical narrowing of options while out and about in The War Zone. In response I have developed methods of minimizing interaction. Dindus in particular, being raised by women, develop their Crutch Morale largely through making noise, developing cohesion with their partners through repetition and of eliciting threats from the party they wish to attack. Verbal engagement with Dindus rarely works when cops are pointing guns at them. How are you going to make it work, if they have bad intentions?
Speech as Aggression
Speaking to you and expecting a response is making a demand. When you respond he now controls you on a psychological level. You have already acceded to one demand—why not another? And another?
There are different levels of conversation that strangers will engage with you in public spaces.
Any verbal address from a strange male that goes beyond a simple respectful courtesy, anywhere from “Good morning” to “whatup” should be reagrded by any survival-minded person as a precursor to physical violence. This is a huge subject that I have written two books on. Let us address some basics, that are blunt enough to fit in the never zone.
If addressed by a strange male in any way exceeding a courteous, passing greeting:
1. Never answer him without first stepping off and making sure he is alone.
2. Never answer him if he has companions.
3. Never answer a second question.
4. Never answer him while he is closing the distance with you.
5. Never answer him if you do not see both of his empty hands.
6. Never answer him if he is agitated.
7. Never answer him if you are in fear, because your voice might crack, and that’s it, cracker.
8. If you feel your sainthood application is in danger of being rejected if you do not answer this person, than never do so while standing square with him.
9. Never do so with your moving chin exposed, but rather nestled behind your shoulder.
10. Never do so with both of your hands in your pockets, even if one of them holds a weapon.
11. Never answer him while looking away.
12. Never answer him while he is within one step of you.
13. And please, Sam, if he looks down, back or away after you answer him, keep your mouth shut, because he is about to punch it, and we want you to be able to tell Colin Flaherty what happened without having to strap into Stephan Hawking’s smart chair.
What to Say?
I have used all of the following. They don’t fit everyone. I have only used the below responses when I felt absolutely certain that I would overwhelmingly prevail in any physical encounter that ensued. If I think the antagonist is more than I can handle, I stay quiet, alert, increase separation and arm myself.
1. Got three bucks, if you wanna fight for it. [Logan Village]
2. I’m homeless, alright. [I was at the time. Light and Pratt]
3. I have six-hundred-and-seventeen dollars in my pocket. If you can take it, it’s yours. [Erdman and Belair]
4. Have you seen Jay Bennet?—do you know where Jay Bennet lives?—where the fuck is Jay Bennet! Why are all you people protecting Jay Bennet! [Edmonson Village, while trying to avoid a crazy bitch who I would have rather killed. Kind of felt sorry for this guy when I was done.]
5. Sorry, pal—I’m broke. [Charles and Monument]
6. Lay down and die. [Riverside and Cross]
7. Through you or over you—how you want it? [Aldis food market, parcel pickup, Frankford & Belair, 8 a.m., Tuesday, July 6, 2010]
8. Come and get it. [Taylor and Loch Raven]
9. No. [Stemmers and Old Eastern]
10. Not to-day! [Light and Ostend]
11. Wrong guy! [Said often while walking toward aggressor]
12. Some other time. [Said, often, while walking away.]
13. Bad Idea! [Fort and Hilltop, as I was approached by three mini-Dindus, who immediately dispersed.
14. My most common response is to turn my face toward them as I walk off diagonally, scanning for accomplices with my eyes.
15. When they block my way and demand to speak, I typically snarl gutturaly, lower my shoulders and start drawing my razor as I pick up my pace—and miraculously, they no longer want to speak.
It is interesting Sam, that although I classify verbal demands as aggression, for the most part—like when recounting and attempting to document all of my experiences in 40,000 Years From Home, last year—I think I neglected all of these.
Thriving in Bad Places
‘A Pitched Battle’
the combat space
Pedestrian Plight
songs of arуas
under the god of things
the gods of boxing
the greatest boxer
honor among men
on the overton railroad
Mesc Franklin     Oct 24, 2016

Yeah, Sam. Don't worry about egging them on, they have already initiated aggression (so fuck them). I have adapted Jim's non verbal stance with great effect in the last year and not just with Dindus(women, jews, faɡɡot hipsters,muslims, ginzos, etc)..nothing shows contempt and a subtle menace like not responding to people. In a world of the chattering and the feminized what better protest is there but silence?

Also it increases your options, tactical or otherwise. If you despise this world and its sick society, not talking to the masses of idiots in public is liberating and makes a statement.

Its like not letting the vampire mesmerize you.
B     Oct 24, 2016

My $0.02:

Since, like most antisemites, Foamy is a coward, my advice won't help him. But other people might benefit.

If you live in a place where you're subject to predation and you don't want to be predated upon, and you don't have a community to work with, you need to already decide you are dead and have nothing to lose, and proceed from there, with the idea that anyone who tries to prey on you is a present from G-d.

The Japanese writings on bushido help with the right mindset-you basically kill yourself mentally so that you can focus on aggression.

I can say that it took me many years and lots of adventures to achieve this mindset. The last time I lived in the US, it was in Providence, RI, a fantastic shithole which I found myself walking across for six miles every Saturday for obvious reasons. Over the half year that I was there, not a single Dindu acknowledged my presence. They would part like the sea when I'd walk through a group of them on the sidewalk, without making eye contact.
Lynn     Oct 24, 2016

What is funny to me is that I have read the same basic advice in the old miss manners column. Strangers speaking to you on the street are not entitled to a response and should be ignored. This is why we tend to begin such an interaction with "excuse me," speaking to a stranger requires a preemptive apology.
Sam J.     Oct 24, 2016

Thanks. Harsh! I live in the South. It's really, really, rude to not acknowledge people here. Now if they continue to bother me after my,"I don't have any money" then I'll assume they're hostile and shut up.
Sam J.     Oct 25, 2016

I'm afraid I didn't really make myself clear. "...courtesy is not adjudged a sign of weakness but of moral fortitude..."

Courtesy is considered the only proper way to act unless someone proves they don't deserve it. At that point people in my area can become quite rude and even violent towards those they deem not acting properly.

I've been around Northern people in the service and I don't know how they live with each other they're so rude. If you moved here and acted that way I'm dead serious people would be kicking your ass. Major trouble. No one would help you at all and do everything in their power to see you fail.

Being polite is easy I'm not sure why it doesn't catch on. Making every conversation a power struggle is senseless, a waste of time and needless stress in an already stressful world.

My sole defect in this matter is Jews. As they are a tribe of psychopaths, they have no feelings so courtesy is a wasted effort in their case. Before 9-11 and my subsequent education on the Jews I was even polite to them.
Sam J.     Oct 28, 2016

The advice given here is very good. I changed my mind. I'm going to try the silence or at least option #10. Not to-day! I like that one.
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