On Highland Avenue, the heart of Highlandtown, at the corner of Monument Street—one of the worst streets in Baltimore—at the edge of Highlandtown, lives Carl’s grandmother. She is 91-years-old, the last white person in a neighborhood that was all white when she was a young woman—indeed, was almost entirely white in 1992 and 93 when I used to transfer buses there. Black was still three blocks away back then.
What was supposed to happen, in the big scheme of things, was her house was supposed to be sold to pay for her internment in a warehouse for the elderly. Carl’s grandmother continued to see the bright spots in the increasingly gray and black tapestry of Highlandtown life. For instance, the Iranian man, who owned the corner store up the street nearer Baltimore and Lombard, was kind and helpful, evoking an earlier age she remembered, when a person who had stuck it out in a decent manner, was treated with some respect by the younger people who now ran things. Carl’s grandmother had more in common with this Iranian man than with any of her neighbors.
Came the Baltimore Riots, reported worldwide, to obscure the Baltimore Purge, which was not even reported locally. Three schoolboys in school uniforms came into the corner store and shot this old lady’s grocer. Someone managed to place a 911 call, but the city refused to send out an ambulance as the police could not protect the EMTs. The grocer bled to death.
Carl’s grandmother is still greatly upset over this, no serenity for her as she soldiers on in a city that surrendered and left her behind for the invaders.
One cannot fault the medical responders. I interviewed a, African cab driver that same night who had a crowd of men demand he hand over “the blonde woman of the yuppies” that he had rescued from another mob of black men. When he refused they opened fire on him with two handguns as he sped away. That was one block from the grocery store.
Only two killings during the riot period made the news. Others, such as this, are only known to people who have examined the police reports that were not picked up by the press, which was busy downgrading the riots and purge to an episode of “unrest” with no episodes of ancillary aggression.
The curtain of this lie is so thick, so obvious, yet no one, on the Left or the Right wishes to look behind it.
Nationwide, no one is curious about the public record, of a few centralized rioting and looting episodes, which occupied every Baltimore City police officer until they could be rescued by the National Guard and there was no ancillary crime?
If this were true, if it were the case that no mob violence occurred across Baltimore City and surrounding areas, and that white people where not hunted by blacks, would not that be news, that an un-policed city experienced harmonic, racial bliss?
Despite the fact that the press seems to be going after police nationwide and taking the criminal side, this is certainly a case of lock-step police-media action.
If the police do not respond, no crime occurred.
In light of more recent riots with widespread black on white purging on the Baltimore model—a purge that is still denied and is yet ongoing—it is doubly astonishing that the 12-mile wide purge that was supposed to be a 1-mile riot has yet to be investigated , let alone acknowledged.
War Drums: Forty Miles from The Big House
This is just crazy. Like all such events they will eventually add up and something will snap. How the Dindus can be so stupid as to keep attacking the people who feed and clothe them makes no sense to me. I wonder if they really think that in an all out melee they can take the Whites? Maybe they do. Don't know any better.