The mobility of the enemy is always a huge concern.
20 years ago, when I wrote The Fighting Edge, I was critical of relying on cars for security, for I had seen some bad stuff happen to motorists. However, the motorist is really only vulnerable if he is trusting while motoring and when he is getting in or out of the vehicle. For women, a car is a must. A woman on foot is just meat.
What has been happening in Baltimore is of interest to the survivalist considering urban gentrification.
Since the riots and purge of 2015, many working class Baltimoreans fled. People who did not have the income to buy a vehicle have moved to the ends of the bus lines, even to other towns, or have gotten a car and moved in with parents out of town. Many of these people—like the guy up the street who left us his cat—just walked away from the mortgage.
This is good for the economy. People acquire the house, rehab it, and then flip it to, for instance, the folks who just moved to White Avenue from California!
The scam is this.
The government unleashed the Dindu hordes, who mostly beat up, robbed, raped and killed pedestrians.
The Dindus then mounted up in cars and on bikes for the following year and hunted every white pedestrian that could be found—mostly low income whites.
The result was to drive low income whites out of the city.
This made room for the three upscale hipster families moving in on my street, as I write.
Meanwhile the Dindus are chasing the low income whites out into the suburbs and the hipsters in their cars are enjoying a lot of house for a low price tag.
I hope the Dindus wipe these hipsters out one day. Part of the reason I stay in Baltimore is to see the gentrification crowd get got in the final act of this pitiful play.
If you are on foot in such an urban area, know that you are being hunted from car, bike and on foot and act accordingly.
A Once Great Medieval City: 2016: Impressions of Baltimore Maryland
"...I hope the Dindus wipe these hipsters out one day..."
You shouldn't think like this. This is the very reason the country is coming apart. The Hebrews have used this to separate us and have us not look after Whites first. Even if a Jew hates another Jew he won't give him up.
Agree with Sam. You seem to like your little half white trainees better than your own kind James. What gives? A lot of these so-called hipsters work hard and are good citizens. Why would you hate them? Envy or ????
I have been attacked by white men and black men, lied to and about by white men and black men, have fought against white men and black men. I do not see many people on either side of that racial divide worth my time. Half of the men I train are white, half colored. I side with fighters who behave with honor rather than someone who insists I only ally with those of my own race, no matter how despicable they are.
Erique and Craig have, on their own initiative, done kind things for me, have insisted on compensating me for the training time I spend with them, have picked me up while I was stranded at ghetto bus stops, have driven me into the mountains to meet other white men—that's balls—and Oliver has beaten the shit out of more black hoodlums than all of the white skinheads who once put a price on my head for hiring black men when all of the white men I hired showed up for work drunk. In the 1980s, white skinheads attacked whites in my town rather than blacks. They ran from blacks. BASH, Baltimore Area Skin Heads ran or went whigger while I did neither.
Seriously, I'm a broken old man as far as fighters go, but if you know young Arуans that want to come to Baltimore to cross blades with me for the crime of training colored men, then send three or more so you get at least a minute of action—knife work goes quick—and a videographer so you can get it on film—it will be a clinic, Baby.
I only have one Kind—honorable fighters, proven freinds and family—everyone else is Other.
Take care, Maureen.
I think you miss the point of what I was saying. You pre-judged these people. You were writing about "upscale hipster families". They didn't drive out the White working class. The Dindus did. These can't be too upper class or they wouldn't live in such proximity to the ghetto. These people are not oppressing you.
"... I side with fighters who behave with honor rather than someone who insists I only ally with those of my own race, no matter how despicable they are..."
So these people are despicable? You sound like you're repeating Hillary's missives. Hell maybe they are despicable but I'm not seeing how you come to this conclusion.
"...I hope the Dindus wipe these hipsters out one day..."
This really bothers me and is one the reasons that we're being driven out all over the country. If you combined your hard headed muscle with the "hipsters" annoying the hell out of city hall we could actually get somewhere. Instead you wish them dead. You don't know these people. They may be your allies and you will never know as you have dismissed them without so much as a care. Maybe they're not mighty stick fighters but someone has to carry the water. Somebody's got to do the annoying things that you'll never get around to because it doesn't suit you temperament. Like calling the city council and expressing "concern" over trash or Dindu loitering. Your not going to do that but they might. This is why Jews get things done. In every city council meeting they are there pissing and moaning. They probably give them 25% of what they want just to get them to shut up.
"... In the 1980s, white skinheads attacked whites in my town rather than blacks..."
How are these hipsters skinheads? Why are you mentioning skinheads in concert with these fellows who have moved to what you have described as a dangerous neighborhood because they don't have the funds to move to a safer place? Aren't they just like you but more wealthy? Don't your kids live nearby in the county. Does any other old codger look at them and say,"I hope the Dindus kill them?"
We should look after our own first. I'm going to tell you why. You take a very small group of Whites, skinheads, and generalized to a large group of Whites. Not fair. Now if you were to randomly pick 25 Dindus and 25 Whites from your county and you were forced to ride on a bus somewhere which group would cause you the most trouble?
It's not about enabling White degenerates it about sticking up for Whites first out of a random plurality of people.
"...but if you know young Arуans that want to come to Baltimore to cross blades with me for the crime of training colored men, then send three or more so you get at least a minute of action..."
Yikes. Hold on friend. I'm not the Arуan Nation. I'm trying to reason with you and show that our plight depends on us sticking together. I'm not saying you should hang around shitty people but I'd bet that there's 4 times as many shitty people in any random group of Dindus than there are shitty people in any random group of Whites.
My philosophy is to stay away from them in most any case I can. I want no interaction with them.
One thing I forgot to cover.
"...The government unleashed the Dindu hordes, who mostly beat up, robbed, raped and killed pedestrians..."
Who was the government? I'm assuming it was a Dindu run government. Either that or Whites who refused to clamp down on this because of the fear of losing Black votes. Maybe I'm wrong but if I'm right it's the Dindus and their Jewish supporters that caused this calamity.
I have a friend who told me that his Grandparents lived in St. Louis. They paid for this small house most of their lives and as soon as they retired and paid the house off they locked the doors and walked away from the house. They couldn't live there anymore as the Dindus had moved in all around them and made the value of the house they paid for all these years equal to zero.
Sam J., do you know any hipsters? They are not looking to befriend blue collar whites as a general rule. As another general rule, they are well versed in antiracist principles, I need not elaborate those here. I certainly have hope that they can somehow learn the truth, but they cannot be held blameless. Plenty of us went through public education and did quite well at it, and still found the truth. I was definitely meant to be a hipster by education, yet here I am.
I ask in a similar vein, do you know any Dindus? I also repeat the essence of my point. Take a random number of Dindus and a random number of Hipsters and which group would you want to ride around with on a bus?
"... they are well versed in antiracist principles..."
Is that a strike against them when every single book they've been educated with, every TV show, every news article, every radio show and every movie has drilled anti-racism into their heads?
"...I certainly have hope that they can somehow learn the truth, but they cannot be held blameless..."
If a blind Man couldn't properly describe the color red to you would you strike him?
The system is set up to cause friction between Whites while the architect of the system remains unnoticed and uncommented upon.
People have faults. Do I worship blue collar people? No. Do I worship hipsters? No. Do I worship the college educated? No, but I do demand that that my affections for Whites comes first in this basket of humanity. Each one is an individual and mileage may vary but Whites get the benefit of my doubts first. I submit that we have little choice but to stick together if we are to survive. There's many places in the US where there's a clear majority of Whites and they don't get this. They don't see yet that they will eventually make the decision of sticking together or being eaten.