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‘Their Religion’
The New Model Rhodesia by ZMan
© 2016 James LaFond
In this succinct post, Zman uses the book Banana Sunday as a point of departure concerning the Caucasian lemming march to the dark sea. Our social situation—from this low vantage—is looking more and more like the realization of a racial suicide impulse, very much reminiscent of James Tiptree Junior’s chilling science-fiction story The Screwfly Solution.
When I want a clean, clear read on the human morale migration, I go to the Zman.
“I read a book years back titled Banana Sunday by a former Telegraph reporter named Chris Munnion. The book is a memoir about his career covering Africa for the British papers. Munnion was an old school reporter. By that I mean he did not subscribe to narrative journalism where the reporters collect up facts to fit the pre-written story. In his memoir he covers the rise of that form of journalism and why it was and is totally insane. That’s not the point of the book, but it is an interesting side bar. Otherwise, the book is about Africa…”
To read the entire article click on the link below.
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