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Whitey Might Get Back on the Moon
A News Channel Run By Teenagers More Professional than Adult News Network Staff
© 2016 James LaFond
I just have to give these kids credit. This is great.
“Update News is a fully online, free news service. It aims to provide news to young people through social media. It is run by a team entirely made up of teenagers, with no adult in charge. The Editor in Chief is Jamie Moreland with Director Eric Anderson, as well as a whole team of correspondents. We are based in London, where the majority of the news will come from however at points we will be reporting from different locations around the UK and even the world. We always like to utilise new technology so will be live reporting on our Facebook and Twitter pages, plus two studios in London! Where all of your favourite live and pre recorded programmes come from. We are always looking for new stories so please email in any of your news to or tweet it @updatenewsuk. Live News Channel: Website:”
Sure, my white nationalist readers are going to flip. Consider though, that the Hindus and Sikhs have stood up to Islam for over a thousand years and Caucasian Atheism seems to be on track to get crushed by Islam in less than a century. If you are looking for allies, dot heads seem like likely bunker fellows.
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marko     Oct 24, 2016

Read up on the events at the time of partition into india pak and burma. they are allies (hindus sikhs and jains)
Mesc Franklin     Oct 24, 2016

On the contrary, WNs worth a damn know these are our Aryаn cousins. The Brahmin class probably has more of these genetics than those unlikable Italians.
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