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‘This Internet B.S.’
A View of the Alternative Media from Within the Narrative Arc of the Slave Mind
© 2016 James LaFond
Last night I had a conversation with a friend who is concerned and agitated by the presidential race between the Queen Apparent and Trump.
He said: “It is a travesty that a scumbag like this can run for president—that this is even a race. Sure, he won’t win. But in an age before all of this internet B.S and social media this guy would have never been I there. Can you imagine if he wins, what kind of yahoo’s he’ll put in cabinet positions? He is not connected in government circles, doesn’t know the people she knows. How could anyone of sound mind consider voting for him? How about you, are you going to be out on election night.”
I commented, “I do not care who rules in Mordor. Mordor will remain Mordor.”
Shocked and considered, he asked, “You really think we are in Mordor, that America is the Evil Empire?”
Of course, “Power and evil are natural dance partners in the life cycle of nations. I think it’s a win either way. I’m thrilled. If we get Trump it’s an imploding media circus, it will be weirdly interesting. If we get the Queen, which seems likely, I believe her connectedness will develop weight at the top of the systemic structure that could bring it down more quickly. Best of all, if we get her, we get boots on the ground in various war zones. How can the woman who insisted on watching the rape of a head of state she deposed, not go to war in the traditional sense?”
He finished with, “At least committing troops brings a moral burden. I hate the fact that we have people dressing up in suits, driving to D.C., murdering civilians with drones and then heading home as if they just played a video game—and that we think those are good people.”
I had to continue on my way. However, after spending so much time comparing alternative media information with the predictable mainstream narrative, it was interesting to have a well-read person call for censorship as the last best hope of electing a statesman to office. In a way, perhaps he is correct, perhaps the day of oratory is over. His passion struck a chord in my mind, however. Perhaps, if the Queen does ascend her assigned throne, we will find that her worshippers will support the erasure of the alternative view of things.
Perhaps we will go the way of the toupee.
Under the God of Things
A Once Great Medieval City: 2016: Impressions of Baltimore Maryland
Images of Wyoming and Montana
The Toupeed Piñata
taboo you
the greatest lie ever sold
the lesser angels of our nature
z-pill forever
menthol rampage
logic of force
shrouds of arуas
america the brutal
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