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‘What Can I Use To Defend Myself Other Than a Gun?’
© 2016 James LaFond
“As an Uber driver, I have found it disconcerting that people on foot, in the area where I drop off a customer, seem to be concerned, or loitering, or menacing. Therefor I no longer work at night and avoid certain areas. Even so, criminals are moving into my neighborhood and robbing and carjacking. I have a box cutter in my pocket. What can I use to defend myself other than a gun? Even the grocer, where I buy my food, they have cut their hours back after dark and the woman never works alone, but with her husband. Once I was there when these four young people came in, spit up and begin prowling around the place. Th girl with them remained outside to smoke. The woman said, ‘We do not have what you want. They have what you want at the Seven-Eleven.’ I see even merchants have to think in terms of conflict, and banditry.”
I answered Mobawli verbally and repeat the advice below.
Only use the case cutter to cut your way out of a grapple with someone big or numerous enough to disable you. Cut the wrists, never the face or the throat. Cutting one wrist keeps both of his hands busy. People using razors for defense in Maryland have had a poor track record in court.
Buy a steel pen, not a Smith & Wesson tactical pen, because that shows intent, but just a nice heavy writing implement. Clip it to the left collar of your shirt so that you will grasp it in an icepick grip and hammer it into the eye or throat while you fend them off with your left hand.
Mace is a good idea when you are seated, so clip it somewhere that is easy to get to.
The remainder of your arsenal—if you are loath to incur criminal charges, should be items necessary for the operation of your vehicle. A short window scraper, which would do well stabbing into the eyes and nose and a tire iron, are ideal. Place one on each side of your seat, so whichever side you are attacked from, you will be able to access one of these weapons with the hand furthest from the aggressor.
Where cabbies usually get attacked in their cab, Uber drivers have been attacked on the outside of the vehicle, either after exiting the vehicle or by being dragged from it.
A heavy flash lite could be carried back and forth to the vehicle, to be used as a club or to shine in the eyes of a verbal aggressor.
A Once Great Medieval City: 2016: Impressions of Baltimore Maryland
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‘In the Face’
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Sam J.     Oct 27, 2016

I love this stuff. You're so knowledgeable about practical stuff people can use. I don't think I can memorize the 100 nerve attack points that some think you should know and damn if I can do the he Man grip in the tiger stance.

I might add some of your earlier knowledge you told me in case he missed it. If you are outside of a car carry an umbrella and if attacked hold the top and hit them with the handle of the umbrella. To strike them use your wrist to make a sharp whipping motion. Don't use your whole arm like a club. Try to hit in the side of their head. I can't remember if you said the jaw was a good shot or not. Can't help but think a good fast whack on the jaw would hurt like hell. I do remember you said the temple shot could be devastating.

I'm going to make a prediction. I got to thinking the other day about protective clothing. I had a motorcycle jacket with padding and thick ballistic cloth for skid protection I used to wear while riding. I predict that with the new modern super strong materials if crime keeps being so bad eventually people will start wearing protective clothing as fashion and protection. Say a carbon fiber or nano-graphene vest. It would protect from stuff like baseball bats and knives. Not guns but this would be a light weight item weighing around the same as a heavy leather jacket.

Helmets??? Maybe later if things get worse. It could be considered aggressive if not riding a bike.

One thing good about this stuff is it would hardly wear out.
Ishmael     Oct 28, 2016

I read that Wyatt Earp wore clothing that protected in a gunfight, loose fitting dusters, silk upper wear, turning sideways to present a smaller target, dusters would confuse some not being able to find a target in a heated fight etc... Ishmael
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