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Race War Update: Temple University Students Beaten, Horse Punched, in Mob attacks
© 2016 Jeremy Bentham
“Teens” means black teenagers, of course. Had they been white teens the news media would have identified them as such.
-Jeremy Bentham
Oct 24, 1:36 PM EDT
Students beaten, horse punched in mob attacks at university
PHILADELPHIA (AP)—Philadelphia police say they've arrested four teens on assault charges in flash mob attacks around Temple University in which college students were beaten, an officer was knocked down and a police horse was punched in the face.
Police say the attacks were carried out Friday night by bands of as many as 100 boys and girls.
Temple spokesman Ray Betzner told television station NBC10 that roving juveniles played a "cat-and-mouse game" with police.
Police say students were surrounded and then punched, kicked, robbed and in some cases knocked to the ground by groups of 20 to 30 teens. Arrests have been made in only one of the cases.
Police say a boy punched a police horse twice in the face, and another threw a Temple officer to the ground.
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Solomon Krank     Oct 29, 2016

Punched a horse, WTF, does the Dindu think he is Mongo! Can the police horse kick back? Love to see a Dindu fly, tick, tick, tick, the time is ripening, what fun we will have!
J     Oct 30, 2016

Wait for it, because the greatest outrage will be at the horse being harmed.
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