Skilled Workers Flee Germany, Replaced With Unemployable Migrants
What is being done to Germany mirrors what is being done to America. Changing the country by changing the people.
Skilled Workers Flee Germany, Replaced With Unemployable Migrants
James Kirkpatrick
October 25, 2016, 10:07 am
Race War Update: Inside South Africa's chilling 'Eden Project' where black people are BANNED
The Ultimate Gated Community – White South Africans isolate themselves to escape black on white crime and violence. Sound familiar?
'You must be white, you must be Christian. The time has come to live separately': Inside South Africa's chilling 'Eden Project' where black people are BANNED
South Carolina has 1st elk sighting in more than 2 centuries
Are the buffalo coming back as well?
State has 1st elk sighting in more than 2 centuries
GREENVILLE, S.C.—For the first time since the Upstate was Cherokee territory, a wild elk has been seen roaming the woodlands of South Carolina.
The Devil You Say - In haunted Salem, a Jewish church founder preaches the art of ‘Satanic’ social change
This one ought to provoke some discussion, James. Especially about the relationship of Judaism and Satanism. LOL!
In haunted Salem, a Jewish church founder preaches the art of ‘Satanic’ social change
At a former funeral home in a town inextricably linked to witchcraft, secular Jew Malcolm Jarry opens a new headquarters for his Satanic Temple, a controversial movement with up to 50,000 members worldwide
By Matt Lebovic
The Times of Isrаel | October 26, 2016, 4:36 pm
Yeah, a "secular Jew" named Malcolm (suggesting parents weren't religious either.)
If he has a bacon sandwich after services, should we make conclusions about the relationship of Judaism to eating pork?
“I am an unwavering supporter of Isrаel, so long as it remains democratic, pluralistic, and protects human rights.”
In other words, as long as it isn't Jewish (we're the original theocrats.)
You're omitting quite a bit of history.
Ancient monarchy on certain scales was quite a bit more "democratic" than our democracies today, especially in Isrаel. Saul was not king until the people took him and made him king, even after his anointing by the prophet. Hardness of heart caused the people of Isrаel to abandon having God alone as their King and ask Him for a human king so they could be more like the other nations.
So, yes it was a theocracy about as good as the people living under it, just like our "democracy" today.
Regarding the Boers, this could be an answer to prayer.
The Boers arrived in South African when it was largely empty or else inhabited by pastoral Bantus with whom they traded. We can't pin everything on the English, but as near as I can tell the English and rich Boers brought in many more Bantus and Indians to work the mines and various other plantations to enrich plutocrats. The English of course fought the Boers - many of whom were Protestant refugees of the Papists. The Huguenot settlers of South Africa, for exmaple, fled because they were being exterminated by the Catholics over the course of 200 years and became Boers.
What's happening in South Africa is a good weather gauge for poor and middle class whites in the USA.
Of course the "Satanic Bible" was written by a Jew. "B" will say he wasn't a Jew because he didn't wear a block on his head and ate pork. The truth is that there's no difference between the "religious" Jew and any other Jew...well maybe the block on the head.
The Jews are a tribe of psychopaths. No all, maybe not even the majority, but a large number. All of the Jews ancient writings are nothing more than a manual for psychopaths to live by. The Talmud is nothing but one psychopathic thought after another. The Talmud “great enlightenment” basically says that everyone not Jewish is there to serve Jews. All their property is really the Jews. No one is really human unless they're Jews and their lives don’t matter. A psychopathic religion for a psychopathic people.
They've been thrown out of every single country that they've been to in any numbers. Psychopaths having no empathy themselves can only go by the feedback they get from the people they are exploiting. So they push and push to see what they can get away with. The normal people build up resentment towards them. Thinking “surely they will reform or repent” like a normal person who does wrong. Of course the Jews do not. They don’t have the mental process for reform. Then in a huge mass outpouring of hate for the Jews, fed up with the refusal to reform their behavior, they attack and/or deport them. In this stage of the cycle the Big/Rich Jews escape and the little Jews are attacked.
Start over.
Even if it's wrong if you assume the Jews are a tribe of psychopaths you will never be surprised and Jew's behavior will make sense.
Let me see the difference between the Talmud and the Satanic bible is...nothing. Nothing at all.