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‘Lunch in the Death Star’
Scenes from the Life of the Right Lady on the Left Coast
© 2016 Latina Lynn
Harken, women of the world, to Latina Lynn, who addresses members of the patriarchy with the respectful M-word. For training in interpersonal interactions with the superior gender, please ladies, watch reruns of I Dream of Jeannie.
‘Master of Pathos’
The lengthening autumn nights have brought out your pathos in full strength. Your piece about Vance's tree wrung a few tears from my eyes, and your piece about your "cursed life" has pulled in a bunch of comments, and I am sure more than a few emails, such as this one.
Here are two anecdotes for you to share, if you wish.
Lunch in the Death Star (annex) Cafeteria
I have several acquaintances and relatives that work for the Alphabet (nee Google) Empire, and I had long intended to help myself to a free meal at one of their famed dining halls. I finally got the invitation and collected my lunch at one of their satellite offices. Google is famed for the slew of lifestyle amenities they provide to employees, including breakfast, lunch and dinner, gym facilities, dry cleaning (funny since these people only wear jeans and t-shirts), child care and who knows what else.
I arrived early with my brood and people watched while we waited for our host to arrive. Silicon Valley's high tech work force are an assortment of young to middle aged Europeans, Asians and Middle Easterners, males outnumbering females by perhaps 3 to 2. I spotted a couple of young women with crayon colored hair, but saw no obvious transvestites on this visit. The majority are dressed like bland highschoolers, some are notably fit, very few are obese. The greatest distinctions can be found inscribed on their shirts. Themes cluster around mathematics and science, often using formulas to spell short words for those that can decipher them, or memorialize conferences attended by a select few. Outliers may include concert or group athletic events such as running races or triathlons.
The food was rather unremarkable, resembling a salad-bar and soup type buffet restaurant. There were a few options for protein, a coffee bar, some green smoothies and of course, the salad and soup. Slices of roasted beets were available as a protein alternative. Notably absent was a soda machine. Large urns dispensed ice water and some fruity lemonade that I did not sample. Each food item was labelled with a complete ingredients list, down to the type of cooking oil used; it seems rice bran oil is currently in favor.
James, aggression is the furthest thing from these people's minds, and needless to say, they would be easy pickings for any of the predatory groups you have observed and so ably described.
In the Parking Lot of a Large Suite of Medical Offices
I was rushing towards my car in the jam-packed parking lot, knowing my mother had been at the mercy of my two young children for nearly two hours, and from a distance noted a woman in her late sixties, 5 feet tall, a scant 120 pounds and wearing a head scarf and sunglasses, with an olive complexion that could place her anywhere from the levant to northern India. She was looking eagerly at passersby, and I was up next. As I neared, I noticed she was wearing not sunglasses, but a disposable shade, shaped like a capital B, that hung down between the eyeglasses and the wearer's face, perhaps she had just concluded a visit to the optometrist. As I neared she spoke, but I did not understand, I asked if she needed help, and she said, "please help me back up my car." It was a c.1998 white Toyota Corolla, with at least 12 inches of clearance to the vehicles at either side. She was holding up her keys. I offered to guide her from the lane while she drove and she replied, "please, I have already tried twice, I am too scared," and thrust the keys towards me. I took the keys and bumped my head as I entered the car (I am 5'8"). I rolled the seat back and started the engine, placed the automatic gear shift in reverse and looked back over my right shoulder. The once-white lining of the car's ceiling was hanging like a sail in a dead calm, and there was a child's booster seat in the back. In a moment I had her car out in the lane and was on my way.
When I first saw her expectant face, from 50 yards away, I resolved to walk on by, but was unable to do so. I don't hate Muslims, not at all, I just wonder, what are the odds she could safely ask a stranger to move her car in the country where she came from? Whatever it is that has made it possible here, at least for a while, is certainly slipping away.
Car Beats Stick
harm city
'To Fight Like the Big Boys'
taboo you
son of a lesser god
blue eyed daughter of zeus
advent america
thriving in bad places
the fighting edge
graphomaniac archive #1
B     Oct 30, 2016

Some of those fit people slid right over from the NSA/CIA/various other aspects of the military-intelligence-law enforcement complex.

Many of the others would fit right in.

Aggression to them is an outsourceable commodity, like plumbing or catering.

As long as the society they serve produces enough surplus to maintain some kind of order, they will be largely safe, or at least exposed to the level of danger they find acceptable. For instance, one of my favorite writers, Mencius Moldbug (highly recommended) lives in San Francisco with his wife and small children, and certainly not because Wyoming real estate is out of his reach.

Similarly, the walrus-looking dudes who ran the US 130 years ago were not in any danger of getting scalped by the fierce Sioux or gut-shot by the hillbillies living only a day or two away from them by horseback. The society they ran produced so much surplus that they could have concentric rings of security without even thinking about it.
Ishmael     Oct 30, 2016

Most would be the first to die in a primitive enviroment, they sound extra soft to me.
Ishmael     Oct 30, 2016

James, the lunch at the Death Star reminded me of the fishing trip I made this June with my old boss who is still a outfitter. We took some interesting gentlemen along, Hank, I will call him, had a GPS with him, he was a good guy but I swear he could become lost going to the latrine, we would walk a half mile everyday to fish the Yellowstone, he had to deploy the GPS to get back! I make a mental map when I travel even in familiar territory, plus I like to look at maps, what will happen to types like this if they lose their gadgets?
Sam J.     Nov 1, 2016

Whatever you do don't read Mencius Moldbug. I read a little of his work and immediately picked up on what he was up too. More Jewish magical word swap. When there's a problem, quite frequently caused by the Jews, they always whirl words in the air and point a thousand different directions.. Anywhere but the Jew that caused the problem in the first place. Let's whittle what Moldburg is saying down to it's essence. He says that the combination of the schools, the press, the churches and get this "the Puritans" are causing the US to self destruct. He calls this combination the Cathedral. (Yeah, the Learned Elders of Puritans are the real problem).

In classic Jewdo form he takes a few small problems, that they spent money to make big problems, and blamed all the ensuing chaos on someone else. The Cathedral. Truth is it's the #Neo-Synagogue that's the problem.

Their solution? Get rid of Democracy and get a King! What bullshit. When I point out that we had a perfectly good system. Limited Republican rule of people with voters that could read at a certain level and property requirements...nothing. "No that's not the problem" they say "it's the Puritans and we must have a fucking King".

If you want to understand what the Jews are doing read this short chapter on Stanley the psychopath. Once you read this their maneuvers will start to scream "Stanley" every time you see them. It's very illuminating.
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