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Women at War
Ten Women pass first U.S. Army gender integrated Infantry Officer Basic Course
© 2016 Jeremy Bentham
James, how did we win wars before we had women in the infantry? Can’t let men hog all the honor and glory of making the world safe for Political Correctness, can we now?
Jeremy, I have gotten to the point where I want to see an all female U.S. military—all bitches and hos all the time getting ripped apart in foreign lands... I know this seems rotten. But I think that our military is going to eventually be used domestically, so I want it to suck, literally.
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Jeremy Bentham     Oct 30, 2016

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.

I agree James. The most direct threat to our freedom and prosperity today does not come from outside the country. We should give everyone in our Armed Forces a severance package and a pension and send them all home before they can be used against us.
Sam J.     Oct 31, 2016

You know they cooked the requirements to get them through. They should all have to sign up for the draft.

Hey! Maybe that would be a way to spur on more White children. They'd all get pregnant at the first signs of war. We could just call them up for the draft and threaten war every four years or so.
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