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Greasing the Skids of Injustice: No Certainty of Consequences Update
© 2016 Jeremy Bentham & James LaFond
Baltimore Criminals Know They Can Do the Crime and Not the Time
Once again James you are on the cutting edge of societal evolution.
Baltimore Criminals Know They Can Do the Crime and Not the Time
Obama shortens prison sentences for 98 convicts
  Returning to a neighborhood near you: 98 more “non-violent” drug offenders. The question is how does one engage in an inherently violent, hyper-competitive business like the illegal drug trade without committing acts of violence? Not to mention being the root cause of the many deaths, ruined lives and concomitant crime resulting from illegal drug use and drug addiction. The idea that pushing dangerously intoxicating and highly addictive drugs is a victimless crime just doesn’t fly on so many levels; nevertheless, our President accepts the premise that these drug offenders are victims of an unjust and racist society themselves and thus are deserving of clemency. It seems likely that most of these offenders simply were not caught committing a violent offense. Or, and even more likely, they were allowed to plea bargain and cop to a guilty plea for a non-violent offense. Now they get to return to their old neighborhoods where they will no doubt become pillars of the community.
The answer, Jeremy, is that of the five hoodlums working in a drug crew: the runner, the eyes, the stash boy, the cash man and the shooter, only one is violent, the others are as innocent as the wind-driven snow! What this is doing is redressing the inherent unfairness of a system that locks up every cash man and stash guy, no runner, no set of eyes and rarely the shooter. In the bigger picture, unless you get the cash man or "shot-caller" back on the street, the drug gang will lose cohesion and fail to generate the drug busts that drive the drug war supply system. Come on, Jeremy you wouldn't want to keep the shot-callers locked up anymore than you would want to deny ISIS U.S. equipment—what kind of fight would it be then?
'To Fight Like the Big Boys'
harm city
Love Queen Hillary or Else!
america the brutal
sons of arуas
broken dance
your trojan whorse
the lesser angels of our nature
song of the secret gardener
within leviathan’s craw
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