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Nomadic Writing
Composing Political Incorrectness and Unsalable Fiction on the Move
© 2016 James LaFond
First, I must apologize for my irregular posting of late.
I am involved in rehabilitating an old work injury that has come back to haunt me in my decline. Basically, in order for me to sit or stand for an hour I need to spend that much time stretching exercising or walking.
There is also the fact that the internet is out where I live and such things are beyond my ken to repair, which works out fine as various friends and relatives have requested my odd presence. I have been living out of my backpack and only return to my room to entertain out of town applicants for the stable of slave girls, who, if this injury persists, will surly find more youthful accommodations for the satisfaction of their womanly needs.
Some days I may no post at all, but write on my home computer or on my laptop in a location without internet. On other days, you may notice dumps of 10 or more posts, which I assuredly did not write all on that day.
I apologize and in the mean time wish you well while you people writhe in the throws of your autarch selection rituals. If I might offer a suggestion, how about you emulate the ancient Knossians whose kings fought to the death every eight year with their prospective replacement, or the Shilluk, who, when theur king became too weary to satsfy his many wives strangled him. Suck like, you might consign King Trump to his doom fir failing to grab the vagina of every hot journalist who beseeched him for an interview…
Books by James LaFond
The Role of the Feminine
author's notebook
‘An American Person?’
america the brutal
the lesser angels of our nature
book of nightmares
under the god of things
the year the world took the z-pill
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