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‘You Don’t Raise My Chyle!’
Three Minutes in a Pizza Shop
© 2016 James LaFond
I was managing the Pizza Hut in Dundalk, on Merit Boulevard, had about thirty customers there with quite a few in line for takeout. This one black lady had her four-year-old girl in line with her and she kept hitting her—bapp! You could hear her smacking her girl’s head from back in the kitchen. It was terrible: bapp, smack, bapp!
After a few minutes, I became concerned that I was going to lose customers over this, because most of our customers are white and we don’t do that to our children. I mean who treats their child like that, especially in public?
So I went out to this lady and said, “Miss, I’m going to have to ask you to stop doing that.”
She says—while she’s yanking the kid around like a rag doll—“Oh, you don’t raise my chyle!”
I said, “Miss, I do run this restaurant, and if you want to remain here you are going o stop disturbing our customers.”
I thought she was going to hit me, so I added, “And I will call the police.”
She stopped and that was in Baltimore County, not even in the City. Imagine what it’s like when it’s all them in the City—Good God!
The author added: You know that you earned that kid a hell of a whooping. She probably smacked that kid’s head against the side of the building outside and said, "Bitch, whatchyou punkass doin’ castin’ dem help-me eyes on White Daddy fo?!”
Well thank you, I feel much better now—not!
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