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‘Mister Cockarellie’
Two Examples of How Grownups Suck from the Life of Mescaline Franklin
© 2016 James LaFond
School was such B.S., even when the subject was of interest. When it came time to go to high school you are getting bussed across the city with gangs of black kids just running around attacking everybody. I eventually learned how to fight back and hold your own. But it’s tough when you ae always outnumbered. For all the pain and savagery the black hordes at least taught me something, that you have to be bad dude, a rough guy, or you need to beat member of a pack to survive, otherwise you’re just like the Chinese kids getting beat down and jacked up by niցցers every time you set foot outside of your door.
In the meantime the sick fucking teachers are trying to scrub every bit of humanity out of you, doing everything they can to erase you. I really liked the [literature] course, but this teacher was a total ϲunt. This bitch is discussing the plot of a story in which the king is killed and I raised my hand and asked her why the kings men would not try and rescue him. She went off on me and shouted at me about life not being an action movie, that we aren’t studying Rambo films, and that the point of the story is that there is no rescue, that everyone is at the mercy of power. I was like, well that’s bullshit and you’re a dumb bitch. So I get in trouble and my mother is called in, but my mother is a smart woman and took my side. She wanted me to think critically not just buy every bit of shit that floats downstream.
We had this one teacher that was such a flaming homo that on a faɡɡot scale of ten he’d be an eleven. There is something really sick about the fact that so many gay dudes are school teachers. Well he liked me and one time while I was up front at is desk he reached out and stroked my chin and I bounced back with my fists up and was like, “You fucking faɡɡot!” I couldn’t believe this guy didn’t get busted.
There was one teacher who got beat up by a niցցer in class. Now, we had a cool teacher who got attacked by this one niցցer and fought him off in class. But it was clear, overall, that we were supposed to be the submission victims of the niցցers and I just wasn’t having it—fuck that! They were building this predatory matrix around me when I was a kid and lying to me about it, making sure I was as ill-prepared as possible. This fucking place makes me sick and it’sby design, no accident.
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WellRead Ed     Nov 3, 2016

The story was much the same in North Dindustan; climb on the bus (it initially amazed me that the beneficiaries of Rosa Parks' sacrifice gravitated to the back of the bus), get dragged across town, spend the day in class with the dregs of the city, making it nigh impossible to do any learning. No matter; the teachers were just biding their time until they could leave the monkey cage behind and head for parts unknown. They coped in different ways; we had an English teacher who was notorious for his 5 Martini lunches and would spend the rest of the day drunkenly ranting at his students. The Senior girls were allowed to "negotiate" for a better grade if they wanted.

The rest of them were the biggest collection of drunks and ne'er-do-wells I've ever seen outside of a jail. I can't blame them, though; it's hard to stay motivated when you're dealing with a student body that has the manners of Chimpanzees on speed, think nothing of inflicting violence on the teachers, and would steal anything not bolted down.

My best friend at Dindu-fied High School was the Pakistani copy of a Buck 110 that I bought for $5 at the local convenience store.
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