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America Sucks!
Angry, unhappy, disillusioned Syrian Refugees want to go home
© 2016 Jeremy Bentham
“Past performance is no guarantee of future success.” Nobody warned them what a fucked-up, stupid and evil country America has become. Imagine the disappointment of those refugees when they found out St. Louis wasn’t like “Leave it to Beaver” anymore. No streets paved with gold, that’s for sure. The dindus stole it. These refugees certainly arrived with a lot of expectations that they would be taken care of and catered to, didn’t they? One would expect (perhaps naïvely so) that since they are ostensibly fleeing a war zone they would be grateful simply to be allowed to shelter someplace where they are not being shot at. But St. Louis can’t even deliver that, can it? LOL!
-Jeremy Bentham
Angry, unhappy, disillusioned Syrians want to go home (from all over the world!)
Posted by Ann Corcoran on October 31, 2016
‘A Manly Nation Requires Manly Games’
harm city
Dindu Uber Driver
thriving in bad places
son of a lesser god
logic of steel
orphan nation
under the god of things
taboo you
book of nightmares
when you're food
Sam J.     Nov 3, 2016

I want to go home too...oh wait!
Da nang     Nov 5, 2016

Been awhile since 1957. I have no love nor hate for immigrants. We're on an internal burn with outside targets now
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