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Must-Flee TV
The Misadventures of Baltimore's Marilyn Mosby, Child Prosecutor
© 2016 James LaFond
Why would any sane person even consider joining the Baltimore Police Department?
-Jeremy Bentham
Jeremy, note that this evil bitch wants to start lynching cops accused of misconduct by limiting their right to be judges by a judge and demanding they be placed at the mercy of criminal-sympathetic Baltimore jurors!
“The most controversial of these proposals, and the one that most exposes Mosby’s petulant streak, is her desire to restrict a defendant’s option to be tried by a judge rather than a jury. “The jury trial as an institution reflects our democratic values of representation and deliberative decision-making,” she wrote. “State law should allow prosecutors and judges to reject a defendant's preference for a bench trial, whereby a diversely composed jury delivers a higher quality of justice in controlling bias in the courtroom, helps maintain public trust and imparts credibility on the outcome of the case, especially as it relates to police misconduct.”
Baltimore’s police force is shrinking, demoralized, miss-allocated, persecuted and on the way to be nothing but an auxiliary arm of the federal force that will replace it. On a brighter note, Baltimore City has been recruiting police officers from rural white areas like Harford County from among the pool of formerly violent criminal youth with no adult felony convictions. A former violent drug dealer I know of has just gotten on the Baltimore force—an actual criminal redneck!
Note, also, that the courthouse out of which the menacing Mosby is pictured leaving in this article has heavily barred windows. Also, note the barred soul, that scowling Hip Hop face of the MÕ½latto beastress.
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