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‘Affirmative Action in Sports?’
'American Football, Boxing and Maybe Eventually UFC': A Man Question from Madisox
© 2016 James LaFond
“James, what do you make of the claim the blacks are deliberately helped through affirmative action in American Football, Boxing and maybe eventually UFC, and without it would not get into these sports much?”
“Are they also physically inferior in certain respects as well as being mentally!?”
As far as football, I have read credible claims, recently, that white players in the offensive and defensive back field, in speed positions, have been passed over for slower blacks. To the extent this is happening I do not understand the rationale. Football is not something I know that much about. I will reference a conversation I had with my uncle, who was the head coach for numerous high school and college football teams and the defensive coordinator for Army. He once broke another [black] player’s leg intentionally in a game at Texas A&M. They are good friends to this day!
He told me that Jim Browne was only successful in his time to the crushing extent that he was because there were few black linebackers and that black guys of a certain build are ideal for that position, because they are faster than whites of the same size and strength. It is so obvious that certain body types and mindsets are ideal for certain positions in football that I see racial gaming to have some very real limits.
To the extent that my untrained eye sees affirmative action for blacks in football it is only in the running quarterbacks like Vic, RG3 and Cupnick. Running quarterbacks are a worse than bad idea in the NFL.
I can tell you that the more I watch baseball, the more I see it as a sport that best fits the multiracial setting. Very few black men pitch and catch and they tend to dominate the outfield and base steeling, with blacks, Latinos and whites seemingly equally suited for infield work and hitting.
As far as boxing goes, there is no favoritism for black fighters at the promotional level. Indeed, half the time Floyd Money is pitted against a Latino to cash in on that racial animosity, a better qualified black fighter is passed over! Blacks have nearly been driven from the top ranks of the sport, now that life is so easy on everybody that no particular group needs to fight to eat. Believe it or not, there was a time when Jews dominated boxing in the ring, with champions far out of proportion to their population! Until 15 years ago boxing was staffed by the underclass. Now everyone is in on the game. Were you see racial favoritism in boxing today is in local, urban, amateur boxing, where the judging pool is dominated by black officials. This was reversed 100 years ago.
Boxing is a game that can be so mental and so physical and is too damaging for anyone to perfect before they degrade, that intelligent and stupid fighters may both do well. Benny Leonard once complained that fighting a stupid fighter was the toughest job, because he wasn’t smart enough to go for feints.
As for MMA, it will never be dominated by blacks because of the self-coaching requirement of the large skill set and the dearth of blacks in college wrestling, which is not a money sport and therefore does not recruit from a low academic base. However, look for marquee fighters of color to draw more attention from the top promoter as the sport continues to try and bring black boxing fans over to MMA, which is a hard sell.
In terms of mechanical potential, boxers size up by race like so, with the most likely race to provide ideal fighters for each of the following size ranges listed below. There is overlap and exceptions and Filipinos count as Latino-Asians:
100-120 = Asian [large heads]
120-140 = Latino [large heads and broad shoulders]
140-160 = Black [long arms and broad shoulders]
160-180 = Caucasian [The runt races behind us, it is between whites and blacks from here on out. Intelligence and toughness is key in this size range, because no one in this weight class can eat the top punches—big guns, light armor. Note that Bernard Hopkins and Jermain Taylor, two of the most intelligent men in the ring over the last 20 years—and both black—exemplify these characteristics and have been swamped by white contenders, mostly from Europe.]
180-230 = Black [Same advantage as for the lighter blacks, but black men in this size range tend to have better feet than white guys this size, who should play hockey or fight in MMA.]
230+ Caucasians of Eastern European Stock [In this size range blacks tend to either elongate, like a basketball player and are too brittle, or get fat, where Caucasians tend to supersize in a more balanced form.]
Please note that the current weight class scheme in boxing is out of whack in terms of postmodern body types and really screws black guys. In the days of 175-220 pound heavyweights they were king. Now with the liberation of Eastern Europe and the advent of postmodern nutrition, look out Tyrone, here comes Igor!
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Madisox     Nov 6, 2016

Thanks for the answer!
Shep     Nov 7, 2016

Interesting as always, James!
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