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America's Moment of Truth
The American Way or the European Way—Survival or Suicide?
© 2016 James LaFond & Jeremy Bentham
Usually I don’t care for foreigners telling us Americans our business. Many of them DO NOT have our best interests at heart after all. In this case Pat Condell has it right. We have a clear choice on which direction we want our country to go.
-Jeremy Bentham
Thanks, Jeremy, for this encapsulation of our pending eradication. It is interesting that so many police departments across the U.S. –I can recall three over the past two months in Maryland—who have been telling citizens to stay inside. It is comforting to see that the Europeans are also being told to stay off the streets at night. 18 months ago I lived through a curfew—and still possess my slave letter.
In 1727, there was a complaint among Delaware slave owners that their white servants were “nightwalking” with criminals and negroes, drinking at taverns and other such mischief. The problem was that the Delaware Indians had cleared out and were no long menacing the servants at night and keeping them in their unheated cabins. Finally, Jeremy, our masters have engineered a return of the Indians to keep us indoors—and our cabins are heated…
Finally a real choice. The American way, or the European way?
-Pat Condell
Hillary Clinton embraces George Soros’ vision of an open border world
Fact check: Yes, Hillary Clinton wants open borders
Potentially a million Muslim migrants in one Clinton term
German police union chief: “Migrants laugh at our justice system”.
German mayor begs for help to tackle “explosive refugee crime wave”
Migrant criminals causing chaos in German prisons
Migrant rape fears across Europe. Women told not to go out at night alone
99% of migrants in Germany have no job
Most of the Paris attackers got into Europe using migrant routes
Denmark: Muslims stage organised attack against teenagers for being American
Migrants raped woman in wheelchair. Swedes have had enough.
The Invasion Of Europe: Importing rape and jihad
Europe’s Betrayal Of Women
Hillary Clinton’s largest donors
Taboo You: Deluxe Man Cave Edition
Masculinist Update: 11/7/16
‘Caring, Communicating and Apologizing’
the lesser angels of our nature
song of the secret gardener
shrouds of arуas
night city
broken dance
orphan nation
Jeremy Bentham     Nov 7, 2016

Point taken James. Just curse me for being the dirty rotten optimist and jingoistic myrmidon that I am. Yes we are likely doomed to collapse, too much damage has already been done. Yet I am not defeatist. We will either survive as a nation or we will salvage something useful from the wreck and live the best life it's possible to live. Where I reside I can safely walk the streets at night. Still. It doesn't hurt that I can pack as much heat as the cops do when I take my constitutionals should things unexpectedly go south. Even though the area is completely peaceful at present there is such a thing as practice. Our ability to go armed in public in our own defense came about on account of who won the major elections in our state in 2010 and 2012. Elections DO have consequences; the winning side gets to decide on the priorities of work and what agendas we will be required to follow. Believe it. Once the other side takes power they will do their level best to take away our right to go armed in our own defense. So I'll do what I can for as long as I can. When the battle commences I'll pull my ship alongside that of the enemy. Just remember you're not alone.

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."—Theodore Roosevelt
James     Nov 7, 2016

Jeremy, I really appreciate your rabid jingoism and all of the content you have sent in for the site.

Keep packing heat!
Sam J.     Nov 7, 2016

Good news. I wish I would have thought of this. I would add we need literacy test to vote(English only).

The Men of the West have a structural plan that will thwart the Left's strategy of using demographics to dominate US politics in the future (they say for at least fifty years).

Here's my super devious plan to add on top of that.

1. Make birth right citizenship null and void. Deport them all.

2. If I'm not mistaken there's laws that say you can't be a public charge and immigrate. I'll bet there's even a law that can cancel your citizenship if you become a public charge (on welfare). If not make one. The SJW have been doing all the can to get as many illegals and immigrants on welfare so they will call all their buddies to move here and do the same. Put all the welfare roles in a big computer and cross reference with immigrants, Bingo. Deport them all. I bet it would be a huge amount. I would include all the Indian and Pak. store and hotel owners who got low interest loans as "minorities". If they're immigrants why they taking welfare? Deport them all.

3. You get the idea use every rule and regulation you can find to deport people. Don't advertise just do so a little at a time.

4. Worse comes to worse we could over turn the 1965 immigration law, take away citizenship from all those that came after 1965 and deport them.

5. Give Blacks reparations. 40 acres and a mule. Maybe equal to $250,000. $50,000 down and the rest over five years. Catch is they have to go back to Africa. Build public high rise housing for them to move to in Africa. Maybe in Liberia. Hold Liberia together with tape and spit until we can get a large amount of them moved there then leave. I bet if you offered this reparations deal with an immediate $50,000 down there would be a lot of takers. Of course they would try to welsh on the deal but once they've signed, too late. Depot them and pay the rest.

6. Those Blacks that stay let them know no more affirmative action. None. If someone doesn't want you in their store, tough. If they don't want to hire you, tough. Let them be just like the rest of us poor saps, When someone doesn't like us, tough.

Now I have just solved at a minimum 80% of all the USA's problems. We just have to have the balls to carry through.
Jeremy Bentham     Nov 9, 2016

Hooray! The Amer-Exit happened! Pat yourselves on the back all you folks out there on the fruited plain and among the purple mountain majesties. It's a new day.
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