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Indoctrinated America Slumbers
Dumb White Busybody Bitches Practicing The Kind of Neighborhood Watching That Will End Badly
© 2016 James LaFond
Below is a post taken from a neighborhood social media site, in which stupid white women think they can use moral authority on the whelps of an enemy tribe in a hunting matrix which they still believe is a community, during an openly declared and ongoing race purge, which they believe is an expression of unsupervised youth…
“The high school students that are dropped off on the corner of Halstead Rd and Cloister Rd where graving all the dried leaves from my property and initiating a fire with them on the sidewalk very closed to a tree on the property. Easily everything could have gone wrong. I was not home but one of my neighbors saw them and put the fire out. Of course they got smart with her but this is a very dangerous situation. I have contacted the school and I'm hoping that something can be done. Please if any of the parents in the Hillendale area is reading this talk to your kid. Fire is nothing to be playing with and it could have cost a lot of damages if it had spread. Also some legal action can be taken as this could be considered arson.”
Next day’s post:
“One of them a boys came back tonight at 8:30 pm and lit up a cup at the same area where they were all yesterday. The police was called and a report was filled. They are trying to retaliate because I called the school.”
After encouragement to do more dumb shit:
“I'm really bad at describing people. But he is a African American boy about 16 yo kind of thick short hair. Maybe 5.7 or 5.6”
This dumb bitch thinks that the danger was fire, when the fire was just started to draw out a cracker to be turned into crumbs. She also thinks that Dindu breeder beasts care about their young!
School administration is in place to encourage and cover up crime by students, not address it. It is going to take a lot of Dindu-on-paleface bloodshed to wake Indoctrinated America up and by than it will be too late.
Thriving in Bad Places
The Dindu Stamp of Approval
harm city
Demos Day
the lesser angels of our nature
the combat space
songs of arуas
by the wine dark sea
logic of steel
let the world fend for itself
Sam J.     Nov 7, 2016

End section 8. Build massive amounts of 30 story public housing where they can be watched. Place the housing in an area with only one road in and out so they can be watched. Watch them.
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